Feeding Wild Birds

Cool, what species?
What do they eat this time of year?
We only have the ruby throated.
But I've spent a good bit of time in Costa Rica where they have 52 species of hummingbirds. I find that amazing.

Anna’s are the year rounders. I almost said rufous but decided to look it up first. Seasonally we have Calliope, black chinned and rufous. They are amazing!
We are still being asked to not feed wild birds because of salmonellosis killing large numbers of them. I heard that some species that normally disburse into Canada didn’t for whatever reason so the large congregations here in Washington State are problematic.
I have to admit after I got chickens I quit feeding wild birds for that very reason.
Just noticed a stub tailed squirrel at my feeder. Figure he is a survivor of a predator attack, but brought this question to mind. Over the years I have trapped a fair number of stub tailed male coons. Does anyone have an idea as to what has caused this ? Think that it is the result of fighting or is it genetic in nature ?
Just noticed a stub tailed squirrel at my feeder. Figure he is a survivor of a predator attack, but brought this question to mind. Over the years I have trapped a fair number of stub tailed male coons. Does anyone have an idea as to what has caused this ? Think that it is the result of fighting or is it genetic in nature ?
I have only ever seen, caught one bob-tailed coon. I suspected that someone harvested his tail and turned him loose. He was definitely live trap shy. He was a big fat boar. On the trail cam it looked more like a bobcat than a coon.
Just noticed a stub tailed squirrel at my feeder. Figure he is a survivor of a predator attack, but brought this question to mind. Over the years I have trapped a fair number of stub tailed male coons. Does anyone have an idea as to what has caused this ? Think that it is the result of fighting or is it genetic in nature ?
May be fighting or the work of predators grabbing them by the tail?

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