Feeding Wild Birds

So you have them up there? Do they eat you out of house, home and birdseed? 😁 These White-Winged Doves down here can stuff their faces and fast!
They are ground feeders so only benefit from spilled seeds. My turkeys pretty much keep the spilled BOSS cleaned up so not much left for the doves.

Most of these that don't have nests just roost here at night and don't tend to hang around during daylight hours.
@sourland and his broody magic at work.
Sure, just blame it on the old guy.
We have Cowbirds here too. I haven't seen many offspring over the years, so they must not too successful at fooling the birds around my area.
I keep an eye on the Phoebe's nests. Almost every year the cowbirds try to parasitize them.
Perhaps put up a little shelf where it won't disturb you.
A spike in a corner is all they need.
Given the opportunity they will steal the duck eggs.

FYI, cowbirds are on the protected species list. SSS. Only house sparrows and starlings are not protected. Some states also list the Collared Dove as an invasive species.
I did not say anything about S-ing. I said eat a pellet.
You can't prove I didn't mean a duck pellet. 😚
Perhaps put up a little shelf where it won't disturb you.
It has all this overhang to choose from and it keeps building in that same spot so i doubt putting anything up there for it would matter.
And i see it's been back at it while i was gone to work.

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