Feeling down! Not a great chicken keeping summer

ginormous chicken

9 Years
Jan 18, 2011
Elverta, California
Hey all...
I'm feeling tired and down. I am in the middle of Marek's hell! I have lost 5 birds to Mareks with no sign of stopping. I just got the vaccine and it should be here in a couple of days. I think I am going to lose one of my three flocks. I had 14 lost 5 to Mareks and 1 to the heat. I am down to 8 and it shows no sign of slowing. These were gorgeous birds, a pair of golden seabrights, a pair of lavender d'uccles, a silver seabright, and a red partridge silkie. My 2 other flocks are fine.

One flock of laying hens and one of youngsters that are between 7-12 weeks. are fine. I need that vaccine for the youngster flock. Anything that can help is important right now.

I hope other peoples loses are not as severe as mine. Sometimes I think keeping chickens just isn't worth it. Has anyone ever thought of that? They are like fragile flowers that die. Hopefully things will look better in the morning!

I'm sorry to hear that.

You are right, it is very hard when we get attached to such fragile creatures, but it's hard not to. They can be so full of personality. I hope you little one will make it, and you get the vaccine in time to save the rest.
I'm so sorry for all that's happened to you! Hopefully the vaccine will help you out with your other chickens and even though yes, this is horrible all that's happened, hang in there!
I think that chickens are worth it, I know mine make me smile every day....even when something goes wrong.

For the heat, try freezing bottled water and adding those to your waterers during the day. I have 3 gallon waterers and am adding 2 bottles about noon or by 2pm at the latest and it's kept their water cool when we go out to put everyone up and feed about 6pm. I got a case and keep 12 frozen at all times and use 6 per day with 3 waterers...refreeze them when we dump the waterers pm and refill.

I will be keeping you in thought and prayer for the rest of your flock!!

Update: Lavender d'uccle is hanging in there but sick. I think my spitzy is sick also. They are all quarentined. Vaccine is coming at the end of the week. I will be spending an hr. sanitizing the barn tomorrow. Oxine, DE, Bleach. Fun stuff!

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