feeling sad


14 Years
Sep 6, 2009
I finally let me fully feathered chicks out of the shed. Five total. I have them in a small dog crate that is inside a larger dog kennel outside. Well sometime in the morning i let them out of the small dog crate so they can run around in the kennel. A raccoon decided it was hungry. Had one half pulled out by the time my dog was alerted. By the time i went up it was sill alive, but not doing well. I held it for awhile and it started peeping again and then wanted down but by the evening it was dying, so had to cull the little one. Super sad :(
Then the following day I had everyone out(all the birds) in the late afternoon to get some sun, grass and one of the chicks didn't notice a horse, well it got stepped on. got the horse moved (the horse didn't even notice of course) but the chick was dying so had to cull that one too :( it was a pullet too..... so down to three left. One female brahama and two shetland hen cockerels.
I dont need the cockerels and bought the hatching eggs to hope for a few pullets. So i am feeling preety sad right now!

I guess the silver lining is my hen coop and run is preety raccoon proof. I haven't had an issue for two years, but this must be a new raccoon in town. I will put up the hot wire again around the run.

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