Female duck with poopy backside and tail held to side


Apr 10, 2018
I have a white layer duck who is having some issues this spring. I got her (with a few others) last fall from a duck farm that was going out of business. After noticing poop stains on her backside the past month and a tail held to the left side, I finally wrangled her into a corner and checked it out. She has dark poop stuck to the skin in a full circle around her vent.

Closer inspection revealed at least 4 stringy-like tubes coming from her vent hole. I gently tugged on one and she jumped like it disturbed/hurt her, though the tube-like things didn't seem to be fleshy. In fact, they looked rather decayed. I just dewormed both my ducks and heritage turkeys (with black walnut and worm wood). Could it be possible that she has dead parasites clogging her vent?

And should I try to gently remove them for her? Or will I tear something if I do? And should she be quarantined from my adult turkeys or the other birds, particularly now that it's breeding season?

I'd love to hear from anyone who has dealt with a similar situation!
I've not delt with this but I'd get her cleaned up real good either outside in some water and let her bath or inside in nice warm water so you can see exactly what your dealing with. Then please post back with pics.

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