Fence Height and Hawks

The flat roof goes quicker!

Although we live in the city, we are near a small lake and have many ancient trees in our neighborhood. Lots of predators including hawks, owls, raccoons, possums, etc.. Young hawks sometimes fly down and sit on our privacy fence looking rather hungrily at the runs and wishing they could come in for dinner.

I'm convinced if we didn't have roofs on our runs we'd have lost many chickens by now.

Any kind of netting or chicken wire should work on top of the run but if you have a big space to cover I would use netting held up by poles. Also use small hole stuff so little birds can't go through I made that mistake and now birds can come in and eat my chickens food.

Good Luck
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Would you please b so kind as to provide a list of the connections of PVC that make up this arch as I really want to build it for my arrangement.
i like that.i am going to show this to my dh.we are planning on adding on to our run.great job.
You could also put a tall pole in the center of your run, and drape netting over it, securing it to the top of your fence - this has worked well for me, I watched a hawk bounce off it one day. Gives you room to walk around. I would recommend heavy-duty poultry netting, much sturdier than the other nettings mentioned. You can buy smaller pieces on ebay.

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