Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I designed a feeder that was more attuned to FF and put a wire overlay on it so they could dip into but stay out of the feed...their feet still got a little wet and a little on their chests but the heat lamp, dry bedding and the other birds took care of the mess before long.  And these were meaties, so much, much more messy than the regular chick....will actually claw and dive into feed when it comes if you let them. 

Do you have a picture of this feeder somewhere?

My silkie chicks were a mess yesterday. Their feet were all sloppy and their beards were caked with feed. However, they were having so much fun diving into the feed. :p
I've been curious if there is such a thing as too young for FF. I am planning to get some chicks in another month or two, I'm assuming they will ship as day olds and they aren't coming far. Can I just give 'em FF from day one? (or day 3 it might be when they get to me)

Sure you can do FF from the start. I tried both thin, like gruel and thick, like peanut butter. The peanut butter consistency seemed to work best. Mine did not appear to eat a lot the first few days, though every time I checked them they were eating and did not appear stressed or unhappy. After about 4 days their appetites really took off.

That hobbit coop is really adorable, but wouldn't hold enough chickens for my liking.
Nope looks like they'd be scrunched to me. well maybe not if they are hobbit chickens.
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How long can i leave the ff out in a heated bowl? I had to put it inside because of rain/snow today and yesterday and since they are use to it being out it may take them a few days to find it. I hate to waste it but don't want to not put it out either. Yesterday I threw what was in the bowl away.
Why, hon? It can only just get more fermented with time and the application of warmth. I leave mine out until it's gone...every speck. If there is any left in the bottom of the trough at all, I dump it out on the ground where they can get it and I make sure they eat it before I give them more. It won't go bad in a couple of days and you can always adjust your feed amounts to their intake so there isn't much left after each feeding. Hungry birds clean up their plates better...

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