fertilized eggs vs. unfertilized eggs

Our rooster is with our hens... but seriously thinking of letting the girls have a break too when not hatching... he really over uses his privileges.. and I can't see a diff in the eggs ehehee.
How many hens do you have? Is he over breeding them? Are they barebacked and showing signs of stress? Are you only keeping him for fertilized eggs for hatching? How old is he?
I am aware that most (NOT all) studies say that there is no nutritional difference between fertilized and non-fertilized eggs BUT: History teaches us that there are a LOT of older people (people between 90 and 105+ yrs old) that have the commonality of having been raised on farms and eating fertilized eggs all of their lives. Of the four centurians <sic> in my family; I have an aunt that is approaching 106 yrs old who has eaten two eggs for breakfast for as long as she can remember - w/ NO health problems! Just take a minute to ponder how many people you know that grew up eating fertilized eggs and consider their health. (Lower internal cancer rates etc. - especially prostate and cervical) With the mountain of evidence to the contrary; I do not understand why someone would believe a study performed in a lab somewhere using chemical detection practices before they would believe what they see and KNOW w/ their own eyes and experiences! I would like to hear contradicting evidence ( or supporting evidence!) if rationally presented in a non-hateful manner! <Robt.>

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