I have always thought Blue Laced red Wyandottes, were the most beautiful of the chicken breeds.

:wee :yesss: :thumbsup :jumpy

THANK YOU! I absolutely love them, they're warming up to me, the rooster is still timid but thats okay. I'd rather have a skittish boy than an aggressive one.

They are trying to go broody on me already, it's too hot for that :th
Are they too old to lay, or did the breeder just want them retired from her program? Do you plan on breeding them?
Breeder told me they are 3, she is retiring them from her program. She wants to breed show quality Silkies next year and wants to only focus on that, so she wanted to sell off all her standard sized breeding stock. She had a bunch of Bielefelders(?) but they were spoken for already.

I'm not sure, since a couple of them show some real bold lacing I'm interested in trying to keep that line going. I doubt they're show quality since the lady I got them from is a hobby breeder, but I'm sure people would be interested in a quality laced chicken if I decided to try. I love barnyard mixes so I'll probably be trying to see what kind of mixes I can make :lol:
Today I was contacted by a local breeder.

She was retiring her Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and wanted a no-kill home for them.

A thirty-minute drive and 80$ later I finally have hands on some of my ultimate dream chickens.
I have always wanted BLRW, but I had this weird curse where something always happened and I was unable to get them. (Cancelled orders, hatchery was sold out, chicks died in transit, etc.)

Words cannot express my joy.

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Everyone is very hot, it's 100°F and evil humidity. Frozen cucumbers to the rescue!

Do you have Blue Laced Red Wyandottes? I'd love to see some pictures. :)
Wow! Beauties! I wanted one, but, my neighborhood has a cap on 10, so I have ten (15). I mean ten. (15) I would never break the rules and have more than the allotted 10. (15)
Really gorgeous. I love them all..I’d have ten of every single breed if I could. One look at their legs, the way they cock their head at a moving food item, how they run, they are so alien, I immediately think..”dinosaur“…I’m really loving my Whiting True Blues, and my alleged Ameraucana…edit, not that my Bielefelders or Cuckoo Marans or Speckled Sussex or Black Australorp aren’t wonderful, just that the unexpected colors and beauty of the WTB and Alleged Ameraucana are great..
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Breeder told me they are 3, she is retiring them from her program. She wants to breed show quality Silkies next year and wants to only focus on that, so she wanted to sell off all her standard sized breeding stock. She had a bunch of Bielefelders(?) but they were spoken for already.

I'm not sure, since a couple of them show some real bold lacing I'm interested in trying to keep that line going. I doubt they're show quality since the lady I got them from is a hobby breeder, but I'm sure people would be interested in a quality laced chicken if I decided to try. I love barnyard mixes so I'll probably be trying to see what kind of mixes I can make :lol:
You know, silkies are beautiful, they’re great, but..I’d rather have the Wyandotte…(my new iPad is great, but there are quirks in spell correct driving me crazy..it takes the s off last words, or it substitutes new endings for words if you go back to fix things..arg)

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