Finally out of broodiness, but still not laying after two months. Help!


Apr 30, 2022
I have four bantam Cochins that are about 2-1/2 years old. Last summer two went broody for most of the season, but when the temps cooled, they came out of it fairly quickly and started laying again after two weeks. This year the same thing happened again, broody all summer, and the temps cooled, BUT this time it's now been over two months and they still haven't started laying again. Last year, these two made up the difference through winter when the other two who had laid faithfully nearly an egg per day each all year decreased in their production. Most days now I'm only getting one egg a day from the four, which leaves me short of eggs in a major way. Is there anything I can change or add to prompt them to start laying again? I have continued to provide organic layer feed plus fresh-grown organic greens, grubs, black oil sunflower seeds and organic non-GMO whole corn all year. Is there something else I can do? Suggestions appreciated. Thanks!
None of my hens lays in the winter, and all but one have already stopped. I buy eggs in the winter while the ladies get a much needed break…

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