First babies raised


Jul 1, 2020
Why do my chickens combs look like this?
I can’t tell the gender of it because of the combs.
The wattles are huge for a pullet, but at this age I'd expect to see some male specific saddle feathers coming in, and I don't.

Can you get a few more pictures?
I’ve got two of these chickens and both their combs look like that but the pictures I posted are of one of them it acts just like a rooster. It makes weird noises like a crow, calls the hens to it and tries to mate with my hens but tries to fight my other black chicken that’s just like this one. But, I’ve thought that we’re both hens cause my leghorns rooster doesn’t bother it just tries to mate with them just like any rooster would do but this black chicken is doing to same thing.
That’s a cockerel. Interesting combs!

When I first started getting chickens, I got full grown chickens and haven’t had any problems and this is my first set of babies chickens I’ve raised since they hatched out of the eggs and I don’t know much about them at the moment so that’s why I was wondering why my chickens comb look like that. I think it’s a hen but I’m not sure it acts just like a rooster. So, I’m trying to see if anyone knows cause I don’t.

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