First broody today.... set four eggs under her :)


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
She had been acting broody like, for about a week now and well today she finnaly went broody, this is my first time so all in all i'm pretty happy about it! :) I put four eggs under her today and she took 'em. Anyone else?
Yeah I had some problems with the eggs they got moved somehow on another nest so she wasn't sitting on them for a little bit and some eggs disappeared I now have two broodies and am confused about the eggs!... I have both of them sitting on two eggs now
I see thats good :). I now have one broody in a big cage and have to work something else for the other one since my nest boxes are a few feet off the floor it just wont work.
I think I'm going to have to put my turkey in a cage too. This whole time she has been on her eggs she has been in my goat barn. I'm fearful that when the chicks start hatching the nosy goats might kill a chick. There should be enough room in my coop where ill put all chicks I'm hatching for her. I might just let her stay in with all the chicks' not quite sure on that
Yeah i think that might be a good idea like you said goats can be nosy! Yeah these things take some thinking that's for sure.
Well I didn't end up putting the turkey in a cage. I had some left over chicken wire and just isolated her area in the goat barn. She only has two medium sized eggs. She started with three, apparently the other one had something happen to it part way through. When I was checking last night I noticed one egg was missing. The other eggs I slipped under a few days ago are now back under my little black silkie. Some of the silkies brahma eggs weren't fertile so I put the two fertile ones under the turkey back under her. This is definetly a live and learn experience.
Ah I see. You're right animals, it seems like especially poultry are a live and learn experience and more work than you would think at times! sounds like a good idea I would just section a part of my coop off for her but it was way easier for me to just put her in a big dog crate.... by the way my other chicken (my Rock) is not broody anymore I don't really know what happened there I just think i tried to move her too many times lol! she just wasn't having it, which really is ok with me because i don't even think I has enough room in the coop. Also my black star now has 4 eggs instead of two so all is going well now.
I'm glad everything is going well for you. So far my eggs under my turkey haven't hatched yet
. Hopefully when I go out in the morn the two baby chickens will be hatched and ready to be removed. But my silkie hen and other turkey are still doing far.

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