First chicken Coop Built from Scratch

If you want to skip to the final walk through recorded a couple weeks ago skip to about the 11minute mark
Thanks for the tip ;)

Pretty nice build.

You might need to bolster your HC attachment, especially the angled part at top of run, staples (unless they are pneumatically driven) are not sustainable. Any gaping bulges can offer a tooth or paw 'handle for entry'.

Looks warm where you are.....
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
Thanks for the tip ;)

Pretty nice build.

You might need to bolster your HC attachment, especially the angled part at top of run, staples (unless they are pneumatically driven) are not sustainable. Any gaping bulges can offer a tooth or paw 'handle for entry'.

Looks warm where you are.....
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
View attachment 1993273

Predators aren't a HUGE concern here so it the angled part of the run is more about keeping chickens in than keeps stuff out haha. I'm in south GA so I never have an issue with cold, during the summer I have a tarp that provides full shade.
Predators aren't a HUGE concern here
UhHuh...until they are.

so it the angled part of the run is more about keeping chickens in than keeps stuff out
Don't kid yourself....Fix 'em. ;)

I'm in south GA so I never have an issue with cold, during the summer I have a tarp that provides full shade.
Might need more ventilation in coop....even tho the whole coop and run appear to be shaded.
UhHuh...until they are.

Don't kid yourself....Fix 'em. ;)

Might need more ventilation in coop....even tho the whole coop and run appear to be shaded.

Fair enough point on the predators, although I'm not kidding myself about the HC. That's why it was added. I initially had nothing there and eventually the chickens got to where they could fly up and hop out. It was funny actually.

And something that's not in the video is I also have a fan that runs in the summer even so my plan is to have another full strip of ventilation along the back before next summer to get better circulation.

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