First Egg Countdown

Congrats to everyone getting eggs!

I was pleasantly surprised to come home from a small vacation to find that one of my Icelandic pullets started laying! She's a hair under 5 months, so it was a bit earlier than I'm used to.
Hmmm, since I also have RIRs, maybe it would work. Hey 7L, can you send me whatever you said to your girls?

Make fun of our RIR all ya want. Those eggs will still taste just fine! LOL
My girls are 17weeks and 1 day old today. I am dying for an egg, everyone keeps asking...any eggs yet?! I have seen some of you talking about the red faces, combs, waddles as a sign. All my girls are red in the face!

2 EE, 2 BB, 2 BR - I am hoping for eggs in the next couple weeks. Anyone have a ball park on when these breeds start to lay? I still have the nest boxes covered cause they were sleeping and pooping in them. Was thinking about opening them and putting in the wooden eggs next week. What do you think?

10 Days

17 weeks

My BR that is very red in the face...
I did not get a second egg today from Pecky! Should she be laying every day now that she gave us our first egg yesterday? Or does it take some time to gear up?
Your girls are so pretty! And yes, I think your BR is the first that would lay (they are fairly early birds). I would say your Brahmas would be the next at 19 to 20 weeks, and your EEs......... well they're known to be coy and hang on until 23 to 24 weeks. Hopefully they won't hold out that long though

I think your timing for opening the nest boxes will be perfect. By now they shouldn't be obsessed with sleeping in them, and the girls getting ready to lay will kick out any lazy bums during the day. I mean who wants some lazy chick sleeping on your delivery bed when you're in labor? It'd be enough to make me peck someone too.

IlovePecky, no worries, the new layers go in fits and starts. She should lay for you tomorrow. Sometimes you get shell-less misfires too. Just give her a month and she should be a machine.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread and decided to join in I will get new pics of my girls as soon as I have a few extra minutes. I've been helping my daughter who gave me my fifth grandbaby last Friday!!

My pullets are 11 wks on Friday the 8th. The breeds are 1 araucana, 1 RIR, 1 RIW, 3 Blue Andalusian, 1 BO, 1 BSL, and 1 barnyard ?breed that is red and cream; I traded with a friend in the country when one of my 2 araucanas turned out to be a roo. Anyway I figure that I have at least 5+ weeks to wait depending on the breed.
Last week we got two eggs from our 18 week old NHR then nothing the only noticeable change is the rooster we have one with 17 lady's he seems to think he is in an amusement park and tries to ride all day long he has them staying in the coop on the roosts to get away from him. Could it be that his antics are stressing the girls out he is very persistent and if one hits the ground he hits it. I also have a Cornish also (18 weeks) that is living outside the run due to excessive pecking by the others she has laid 5 eggs in the same time two without shells very small eggs but she does not have to put up with the rooster. we are feeding them a mix of laying mash and a 15% growing mash waiting for the grower to run out and thought it would be a good idea seeings they seem to want to lay also started oyster shells yesterday to get the Cornish to make consistent shells. any Ideas or is it just to early
Well, I got my first eggs from one girl who laid consistently for a week, then stopped. It's now been a week since she's laid. So, maybe they need to do a bit of stuttering as they start laying before it gets regular?

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