First Egg Countdown


My Blue Marns laid her first egg today and she was wiped out:

This is the first egg on the left. The other egg is from one of Australorps:

Next up for the first egg countdown:

She is a 16 week old Partridge Rock.

I'm jealous...I've been waiting patiently for my girls to start laying...but noooo...

My Blue Marns laid her first egg today and she was wiped out:

This is the first egg on the left. The other egg is from one of Australorps:

Next up for the first egg countdown:

She is a 16 week old Partridge Rock.


Oh yay!!! Congrats! Both of your girls are so pretty! What a good job she did. I would be pooped too.

I love the color of your partridge rock. Wow, what a beauty.
Grats Ron! Haaahaha I love your hen's face! That is classic "Oh mah gawd! That was HARD!"
I'm jealous...I've been waiting patiently for my girls to start laying...but noooo...


I started with chickens again last year after not having them since I was in High School. I love it!

The trick to getting them to lay early is to hatch them before Christmas
. Maranda was hatched the Friday before christmas. For next year I think I will hatch some in November....R

Grats Ron! Haaahaha I love your hen's face! That is classic "Oh mah gawd! That was HARD!"

She did so well. I watched her check out three different nest boxes today. At least she did not sing the egg song over and over....

I have caught buttercup laying an egg for three days now. It is the only egg I get each day. The more I think about it, I don't think the first egg I got was gingers, I think it was buttercups. Ginger's comb is about 2/3 the size of buttercups and not as red. Plus, I have never caught her laying, but she will go check out the nest boxes and complain, then goes back into the run to complain some more. Also, I've only found eggs in the nest box that buttercup lays in. Ginger keeps going into the other nest box that has not been laid in yet.

What do you guys think? Does it sound like Ginger hasn't laid yet? I guess I'll know for sure when I finally get 2 eggs in one day.
Ok, so I'm new to the egg laying thing. I have 9 chicks. 5 are 14 weeks (1 Rhode Island Red, 1 buff Ophington, 2 EE's, and 1 Barred Rock) I have 1 10week old Silkie, 1 8 week old EE and 1 8 week old brown leghorn. Also got a 7 week old Maran/Ameraucana mix. So out of these older chickens, which one should lay first? And what is the average age before they lay. I see some on this thread that are laying as early as 16 weeks. Is that because they are the sex linked breed? One of my EE's comb is finallly turning reddish. I think she is maturing faster than the others. Can't wait! My goal is to have many different colored eggs. I will wait to see what I get and then maybe next year get some more to make the rainbow of colors complete. The brown leghorn I got was suppose to be a Speckled Sussex and the man gave me the wrong chick. We were going to name it Freckles, but after I figured out it was a leghorn and will have plain white eggs, I renamed her "Plain Jane" and call her Jane for short. So how early can I expect eggs?

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