First egg!


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
Entiat, WA
I have 12 young pullets. My oldest are Rhode Island Reds (or more accurately, Production Reds) and they are 21 weeks. I found my first egg in the egg box last night. Here's a picture of it.

I also have Buff Orpingtons and Australorps that are two weeks younger. I think it's pretty safe to say this is a Production Red's egg? Any comments?
I've also read you can check your chickens to see who has been laying. (Their vent is different.) Anybody have success with this? Or tips for me?
WTG on first they will all start laying..You can check the vent..If they are laying it will be moist.
I got my first egg today. The girls are all going on 6 months. I have two Reds, two Buffs and one Plymouth Rock. One of my Buffs is way more mature than the others so I thought she would be the first to lay. However, one of the Reds is suddenly bossing the others around, being very dominant... so, I'm wondering who was first.
Eleven days later and I finally have a Baker's Dozen. I think I have three of five laying now. Now I'm impatient for them to get out of the "pullet egg" size and start laying those monsters that I'll be proud(er) to show my neighbors!


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