First eggs, at 18 weeks!


6 Years
Oct 10, 2013
Denver, CO
Isn't 18.5 weeks a little early to start laying eggs?

We were so excited yesterday to find our very first, tiny brown egg in the coop. We thought it was Big Betty, our Delaware x Hampshire. But then this morning, as I let them out to free range, I noticed Mable--our Cherry Egger/red sex link--in the corner of the nesting box trying to lay another egg. Sure enough, when we got home from church there was another egg right where she had been. Today's egg was about 1/4" bigger than yesterday's, and more evenly browned.

So I think both eggs were from her. All our older chickens are only about 18 weeks old, so we weren't quite expecting any eggs until August at the earliest. We're so happy though!

I was surprised to get an egg so early, and then to get another egg the very next day. Anyone else have egg layers start this early? Maybe it's a red sex link thing?

Big Betty, left and Mable, right.

Yesterday's & today's eggs.
Yes, 18 weeks is a little early, but it's nothing to worry about.
Different breeds start laying earlier than others. Were you feeding her layer feed? That might have been a cause.
No. 2 different hens. Size will change but color will stay the same for the most part. First time layers will also skip a day or 3 between eggs. Highly unusual for a first timer to lay in consecutive days.
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RSL are egg laying machines, they all mature at their own pace. Hatchery birds I heard start laying earlier it's bred into them oh and a big Congrats on your first eggs!!!
Thanks everyone!

So, it's unusual for a chicken to lay the first two eggs one right after another? Why so certain these eggs are from different hens?

The first egg was smack in the middle of the coop. Today's egg was in the corner of the nesting box (where I saw Mable earlier) and it had been covered up by wood shavings!

Thanks for all the input :)
Color and shape alone say 2 different hens. If those are your only layers, save the eggs and compare the next one to those 2. It might be slightly larger but it will mostly look the same. You will be able to identify each hen's eggs over time.

Hens are also creatures of habit and they will each have their preferred nesting box to lay in. (down the road obviously).
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Congratulations on your first eggs! I had a red sex link that laid her first egg at 17 weeks. They are egg laying machines.

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