first eggs?

yup.. smallish... with a blood streak..
blood should not be there after egg 2 or so and it might take a while for the size of the egg to be consistant.. some are small, some are huge, some shells are deformed, some have no shell, double yolks.. etc...

how small is small? I have got about 6 tiny tiny quail size eggs from my hen. How long should that last? It has been about 2 weeks since she started.
I've got some young Self Blue hens 1 has started to lay, her first egg was small but she is OEGB so their eggs are small anyways.. but there was a lil blood.. Ive got 4 hens and 1 Roo not sure of ages think they are all young. Had one other egg from them but It busted temps was in the single digits that day. The one I got I put in the bator, I candled lastnight couldn't really tell anything yet on it.. although i don't think I should have too high of hopes on it, normally dont get good results with first eggs...

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