First fire of the year


All things share the same breath- Chief Seattle
11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
The Emerald City
My Coop
My Coop
It's a chilly rainy night here in Seattleland; so I built the first fire of the year. It's 80* in here, feels so nice.


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Wow, it's been years since I sat in front of a good authentic fire like that...
And even then it was at a friend's house, in the hills where the houses are still old-fashioned!

Too much air con around these days.
In Seattle's Fall dampness, dry fire heat feels pretty good. Plus I'm in Imp's uniform shorts & tanktop.

piecemaker wrote

Where are the marshmellows

Good idea, but alas I'm out. I saw in the grocery store that they have marshmellows that are the size of coffee cups.

Come on over Ray's...

Imp's melting​
Oh aren't fires just so cozy? We like it cool so no fire here yet even though that is our only heat. It stays 65 to 67 right now. So I'm kind of jealous.
Oh Imp, I would go, it sounds lovely
Freezing day today for Australian standards, there's been a cold breeze blowing in from the sea.
Ah, the crackle and hiss of a wood fire. Makes me want to grab milk, cocoa, and pan to make hot chocolate.

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