First Night Out (2nd Time Around)


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
So I thought this would be less nerve racking with my second group of chicks. Boy was I wrong.

Tonight's the first night that my ten 4wk old chicks are spending the night out. They've been spending all day out, and I finally decided that they're just too big to return to their brooder.

The day time temp was 75ish, and the night time temp is predicted to be 51-54. Instead of a heat lamp (which just makes me too nervous) I used the same heat pad setup I used with my last batch.

I just went out to check on them. It's 55 out, and 58-59 in the shavings. Right next to the heat pad it's 76 (their brooder was staying around 67-70). But of course they are sleeping on the opposite side of the coop. Silly chicks. So I added two 2L bottles of hot water to the side of the coop they're sleeping on. Everyone felt warm, and a few minutes after I closed the coop they all settled right back down.

And now I can't sleep. Haha! I know they're going to be fine. It's just those darn what-ifs. 'What if they're too lazy to get closer to the heat' is the big one right now. I've seen them play over there, so they know it's warmer. And they felt, sounded and looked fine a few minutes ago.

*Sigh* The life of a chick mommy!

Thanks for understanding everyone
I am going through the same thing. Mine have a sweeter heater hanging overhead so I know they are warm enough but I still worry about the power failing, them being afraid of the dark without the red light, etc. Probably worse on me than them.
It's definitely worse on us. I rushed over this morning to check on them (my chickies are kept on our farm 5-10mins from the house). I hurried to open up the coop, only to have 10 little featherheads look at me like 'Silly mom, why do you look so concerned? We're having a blast!'

Well I survived the first night, so hopefully tonight will be easier
I know exactly how you're feeling! My pullets are abit over 3 months old now and this is their first rainstorm outside. I moved their coop under my patio instead of keeping it out on the grass and I don't think I slept one wink. I am use to having them outside overnight now (been out for one week) but I it wasn't easy.
If anything, I think the cooler weather outside overnight will help their feather developement and expand their lungs. JMO!
You'll be just fine...just think....they love the outside, they love the night sounds....they'll sleep so well outside.....then have a little nip of something in your coffee!
On a side note: CambriaGardener, I love your backyardhencam!! I bookmarked it and look forward to checking on your hens! What cameras/software are you using? I would love to have a setup like yours!!

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