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In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 6, 2007
Southwest Michigan
Good evening to everyone. I have decided to join the discussion group and join in the fun. I live in Southwest Lower Michigan in the small town of Cassopolis. We have not had chickens in over 30 years but now have 29 four week old chicks...20 buff orpington pullets, 5 black australorp straight runs and 4 unknown straight runs although they look like barred rocks. I am almost finished with there new coop. I have enjoyed reading the posts here and all the information they contain. The chicks are very friendly, especially the australorps. I can handle most of them without any trouble.

The weather has turned very cold here with 4-6" of snow predicted for tonight. We will keep them in their brooder at least another week and wait for warmer weather. The brooder is 3' X 8' so the still have room although they are growing fast. We only lost one chick when it was 3 days old.

Look forward to talking with everyone down the road. Happy Easter The Egg Man
EggMan, welcome to BYC, winter just seems to hang on this spring in the north, hoping for the real spring to arrive soon!

Welcome Eggman.
I have to agree with you on how friendly Australorps are. I have two. They are 5 weeks old. They are the only ones that jump up onto my lap. I have a couple New Hampshire Reds that do also, but only when I have treats. They never even flinch when I pick them up either. I also have a Black Jersey Giant but I am having trouble distinguishing her from the Australorps. The three of them look exactly alike.
Welcome, Egg Man. Happy Easter.
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