First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

it doesn't matter what type it is,they are ALL Cute
Cyborg,a fender super reverb 1500watt amp and a 65 Stratocaster have the same net effect

I think the safe thing to do is send all rifles and 65 Stratocaster to me....

Yeah, one of my "ol' favorites" is a .458 Win Mag, loaded with 500 grain roundnoses. I don't know why I like it so much, as there isn't anything around here big enough to use it on. On the other hand, if you ever need to stop a Greyhound bus, this'll do it.
Do y'all worm your chickens?
If so,what do you recommend.
I saw a roundworm in the chicken poop.It FREAKED ME OUT!! I hate bugs!!! Im leaning towards wazine. Its not rated for layers,but it's used on people!!! I saw one article where it said the round worms can get INSIDE the egg while its forming. I will have NIGHTMARES tonight!
Do y'all worm your chickens?
If so,what do you recommend.
I saw a roundworm in the chicken poop.It FREAKED ME OUT!! I hate bugs!!! Im leaning towards wazine. Its not rated for layers,but it's used on people!!! I saw one article where it said the round worms can get INSIDE the egg while its forming. I will have NIGHTMARES tonight!
LOL scared of a little bitty worm... not sure if you can open this.. it's from a FB group.
it say to feed garlic, carrots and dandelions chopped up and pumpkin,.. I seen one worm in my roo a few weeks back and fed them this for a week ( free feed) and I haven't seen any more worms

Common Egg Withdrawal Times in the US
Approved Products for Laying Hens
  • Amprolium (Corid) - No egg withdrawal when used at labeled dose​
  • Permethrin (Permectrin II, ProZap, etc) - No egg withdrawal when used according to label directions​
  • Spinosaid (Elector PSP) - No egg withdrawal when used according to label directions​
  • Hygromycin B (as a feed additive at labeled dose) -No egg withdrawal​
  • Nystatin (as a feed additive at 100g/ton) -No egg withdrawal​
Not Approved (can only be used by veterinary prescription even when availabe OTC, consult your veterinarian for withdrawal times appropriate to your specific situation)
  • Ivermectin (any dose) -8 week withdrawal​
  • Piperazine (Wazine) (label dose) -17day withdrawal​
  • Oxytetracycline in water (800mg label dose) -14days for personal consumption, 8 weeks for sold eggs or known sensitivities​
  • Tetracycline in water (Duramycin 10) (label dose) -14 days, 8 weeks for sold eggs or known sensitivities​
  • Sulfamethazine (Sulmet) (full label dose) -21 days​
  • Sulfadimethoxine (Albon) (label dose) -21 days​
  • Tylosin injectable (Tylan) -8 weeks due to lack of studies​
  • Tylosin orally -14 days at treatment dose (no withdrawal at approved feed additive dose)​
  • Levamisole (Prohibit) -21days​
  • Albendazole (Valbazen) -14days​
  • Fenbendazole (Safe Guard) (10mg/kg x3 days) -17days​
  • Pyrantel -8weeks due to lack of any studies showing elimination times in eggs​
Not Allowed
  • All pesticides not specifically labeled. Pesticides are not allowed to be used extra label​
  • Fipronil (Frontline) -lifetime withdrawal per FARAD​
  • Carbaryl (Sevin) -lifetime withdrawal per FARAD​
  • Fluoroquinolones (Baytril, Cipro, etc)​
  • Metronidazole (Flagyl) and other drugs in this family (Nitroimidazoles)​
  • Chloramphenicol​
  • Clenbuterol (ventipulmin)​
  • Diethylsilbesterol (DES)​
  • Glycopeptides (vancomycin,etc)​
  • Nitrofurans (Furazone, etc)​
  • Cephalosporins (excede, naxcel, etc)​
  • Antivirals​

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