First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Its been running 112 here days, and a low in the 80's at night. Definitely no fun.
Colorado job fizzled, so I'm looking at a job in Duluth right now. Haven't lived there in 50 years, but your current "heat wave" is looking pretty attractive!
Are you Talkin' Duluth, GA.? Come on over!
Chicks update. 3 weeks old and growing like stupid!

They were more interested in the camera though lol
Long story short: I just finished my first round (ever) of CX. My situation is, I live in town and have to keep them 5 miles away in the country. I thought I could just give them enough food to "last" twelve hours every morning, but quickly found out they would eat a dump truck full of feed in a matter of minutes if you let them. Therefore, I was driving out every morning and every evening to feed them. Was looking for any advice on how to get around that. Contemplated Rangers after thinking about cutting my chore drive to once per day, but that will likely take me into November before butchering time. Other than that, my CX went great and they are delicious.
Long story short: I just finished my first round (ever) of CX.  My situation is, I live in town and have to keep them 5 miles away in the country.  I thought I could just give them enough food to "last" twelve hours every morning, but quickly found out they would eat a dump truck full of feed in a matter of minutes if you let them.  Therefore, I was driving out every morning and every evening to feed them.  Was looking for any advice on how to get around that.  Contemplated Rangers after thinking about cutting my chore drive to once per day, but that will likely take me into November before butchering time. Other than that, my CX went great and they are delicious.
you could try an automatic feeder,something along the lines of a deer feeder. Or try one of the Slow Grow Cx. I used Welps SCX. They make a decent layer too.

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