First Time Broody Hen Hatch-Along


May 3, 2024
Upper Peninsula, MI
Starting this rather late in the process- hatching day is Tuesday! But better late than never. I’m a new member so appreciate any advice/support :thumbsup


I have a Buff Orpington hen who went broody in February and I could not break her of it, so I caved and got her three fertile eggs to sit on.


They are barnyard mystery eggs given by a friend. I know their dad is some sort of Olive Egger, no idea on the moms.

Hoping for a good outcome! I have left her in the coop with the rest of the flock, they are all one year old Orpington hens. No idea if it will go well or if I will have to do a rescue. Nobody in the flock is particularly aggressive but time will tell.

Wish us luck! :jumpy

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