first time hatching chicks!


10 Years
Jan 9, 2014
Amelia VA
So I thought I was prepared but I'm not. This is the first time I have even attempted to hatch chicks and it was an experiment I didnt think would work. Now I have 3 brand new chicks and a possibility of 3 more. I have all the supplies I need but what else? Vaccinations? Special care a chick from a hatchery wouldnt need? Any suggestions from y'all wonderful people?
Relax. Have you raised chicks before? If not, go to the learning center and read up! If you can hatch them, you can certainly raise them. You need a brooder box, preferably at least 1 s.f./chick for the first couple of weeks, and then you'll need more space as they grow and gain their wings! They will need a heat lamp to keep the temp in only one end of the box at 90 - 95* and drop that temp weekly by at least 5 degrees. The chicks will let you know if they are cold or hot. You'll need some chick starter. I buzz mine in the blender for the first week, and I also ferment mine. That's optional. Please read the learning center. It will answer questions you didn't even know you had.
Thanks I will definitely read up. I have a dozen chicks (my second bunch so far) these are the first that I haven't bought. I have the lamp and feed and a box for them all set up.
I had three chicks hatch out that one day. The other three eggs still have not hatchery so I'm taking them out. I can tell that the chicks developed in the eggs I dont know why thay didn't make it out of the shell. The three that hatched are doing amazing growing and looking happy. Thank you for the information and suggestions.
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