First Time Incubating, Please Help!!!


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Southeast Ky
I bought a still air incubator and an egg turner from Tractor Supply. I have 13 eggs that i put into the incubator they have been in since the 18th. I read in a magazine that the pointy end should be down in the turner and am now afraid that i have flubbed up my eggs as i have the pointy ends up. Can someone answer wether or not this is true. 8 eggs are from a silver sebright and 5 are from an old english game. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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The shoud be pointy side down. The air cell develops in the rounded end so it should be up. I wouldn't give up on the hatch though, just fix it and see how it goes. They can survive some crazy stuff.
I am new to this also. But what if you took the turner out and layed them on there side and turned them 3 times a day till lock down and left them on there side the last three days. Do you think that will help? All the air cells are at the wrong end. I did have eggs that were shipped and they were packed upside down. I let them rest right side up and half hatched. This is not the same thing at all , just saying.
Thank you for your response. I hope by turning them over they might survive. A bone head mistake, had i gotten on here and did some research this wouldn't have happened. I post the results after May 9th.
Sometimes the learning curve can be a little tough. I had a broody hen get back on the wrong nest, by the time I got home the eggs were cold. I put her back on and hoped for the best. This morning she had at least two ducklings under her, I'm going back out in a bit to see how many she managed to hatch.

Anyhow, the point is that eggs/chicks are more resilent then we give them credit for. Your hatch and mine will probably not be as good as if everything had went perfectly, but I bet you'll get some fuzzy butts too.

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