First time layers.


In the Brooder
Jan 15, 2017
Hello all. About 20 weeks ago I added 6 new chicks to my backyard "mini farm." I raised them inside and then moved to a chicken tractor when they were old enough. I already had one year old hen (her buddy the rooster had to be culled after attacking and injuring my 4 year old granddaughter). Once they were introduced through the fence, they easily joined to make a flock of 7 hens. The pullets are 2 leghorn, 2 RIR, and 2 black sex link. The older hen is a New Hampshire red.
One of the leg horns laid her 1st egg 4 days ago and have given us 3 perfect eggs so far. My question is this, is it detrimental to take the egg from the nest in front of the new layer? I don't want to prompt her to hide her eggs. And how soon should I expect the others to start laying? Will they use the same nesting boxes even if I haven't collected any egg that may already be in there. I have 4 boxes in total. I appreciate any advice.
Thanks in advance from a new chicken Mommy.
Removing the eggs is perfectly fine - she will likely lay in the same nest box. Your other girls will begin to lay in their own good time. I know it's not easy, being patient :)

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