First time raising quail and just had to share…


Mar 6, 2024
So I got my first quail ever this year as chicks, I think it was the first weekend of March. They were chicks that at that time were a few days old. Since then they’ve been a blast to watch and interact with and I’ve been reading non stop on here, Reddit, and the many books I’ve ordered on how to keep them healthy, happy, and hopefully productive in terms of egg laying.

I live in the upper Midwest/zone 5b so we right now our sunrises are around 6:15am and our sunsets are around 8pm (around 13.75 hour of daylight) so I really haven’t been expecting much to happen for a while yet. Lo and behold, yesterday I cleaned one of their pens and found my first egg!! I couldn’t believe it!

Later in the afternoon I went to clean another pen, and 2 more!

I rushed home and immediately ordered egg scissors and plastic egg packs, can’t wait to collect more and give some to family and friends 😁 what a cool little hobby this has turned into. Thanks to all here who have patiently offered me advice and shared their valuable experience with me. I’d like to think you folks are responsible for my little quail being happy, healthy, and content enough to bless me with their first eggs!


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