First time using an incubator!


8 Years
Dec 28, 2011
I first had to read the directions over and over, my parents didn't help much. But I got my Little Giant Still Air Incubator to 99.5 and set my eggs lastnight, im so nervous! I put in 5 eggs, 1 Buff Brahma, 2 New Hampshire Reds, and 2 Buff Orpingtons, so im not expecting much. I just really wanted to try it and see how fun everyone says it is. I have a few questions though, I kept the thermometer that it came with, I made sure to check it with a thermometer that I knew was right, should i get a digital one that tells the temp. and the humidity? What's a wiggler?
That's so cute! Thank you so much for telling me that, I shall get a few.
And thank you harleyjo, the link was easy to understand. Now all I have to do is turn them by hand and wait!
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