First Turkeys-- Hen or Tom


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 25, 2014
Hi Everyone,

As the thread says these are my first two turkeys ever. I did purchase a third chick but it died unexpectedly a month ago when we received our first bout of "bad" weather. They were purchased as day old chicks on 7-24 so they are just over 3 months old.

I have the opportunity to purchase an adult tom/hen if these two aren't one of each so I thought I would ask those of you that are more experienced turkey keepers.

Thanks in advanced!
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Hi Everyone,

As the thread says these are my first two turkeys ever. I did purchase a third chick but it died unexpectedly a month ago when we received our first bout of "bad" weather. They were purchased as day old chicks on 7-24 so they are just over 3 months old.

I have the opportunity to purchase an adult tom/hen if these two aren't one of each so I thought I would ask those of you that are more experienced turkey keepers.

Thanks in advanced!

I believe that the first picture is of a tom and the lower picture is a hen. If you have the opportunity to purchase additional hens, I recommend that you do get more hens. I try to keep at least four to five hens per tom. It greatly reduces the wear and tear on the hens if there are more than one to keep the tom occupied. Since all of the hens don't tend to go broody at the same time it helps keep the tom occupied without bothering the hens that are sitting on nests.

Good luck.
I'm thinking they are both toms, I have a bourbon that I thought was a hen, but in the last couple of weeks it started getting darker feathers and it's tail has paddled out as well as it's snood has enlarge, it's around 4-5 months, they are finally starting to reveal their gender, yours both look similar to mine. You should know for sure in the next month or two.
I believe that the first picture is of a tom and the lower picture is a hen. If you have the opportunity to purchase additional hens, I recommend that you do get more hens. I try to keep at least four to five hens per tom. It greatly reduces the wear and tear on the hens if there are more than one to keep the tom occupied. Since all of the hens don't tend to go broody at the same time it helps keep the tom occupied without bothering the hens that are sitting on nests.

Good luck.

X2 -- It's hard to tell, but I think they are hen and tom as well. Keep an eye on the ''hen''s snood though, it seems a tad bit floppier than I would expect from a hen that age.
Hi everyone, I also have a couple of bourbon reds that I'm hoping are make and female. Any guesses? One is def. Larger and darker

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