Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

I didnt know that I was suppose to soak the food. I will definitally do that for now on. I used to feed my goldfish 2 times a day!
And I always fed them flakes but apparently swim bladder is triggered by them taking air in while taking food in too. Becuase the flakes float and the pellets sink.

I will do a water change first thing tommorow.
Quick question
I got some new fish tonight. I acclimated them and added them to the hospital tank before they dive into the pond.
Howver, these new fish are staying at the bottom of the tank. IS this normal for New fish?
How long have they been in the hospital tank? If it's just a day, try and give them time. How is the current in the tank? Strong? Weak? Do they have places where the current is weak so they may rest? What's the temperature? Chilling may have shocked them a bit. Is this fresh clean water in the tank? What kind of water (tap, well, etc.)?
They're rescued from a fish bowl

Currently a 30 gallonwhich is a hospital tank
Yes a filter is in. But there is no strong current(I made sure of this so their fins dont get sucked in).
The water is tap water. We never had any problems with out water. Never any chlorine or anything. I have been using this water for years
They are swimming just a bit but still resting.
I have a small amout of salt in the tank to help get their immune systems boosted
I will get a heater as well cause I am suspecting some ich...

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