Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

For swim bladder, I suggest some frozen green peas
Boil some up and then remove the hard outer covering for the peas. The you can mash them up or feed them as is.
Good luck
Both are members of the Poeciiidae(sp?) family and are livebearers. Mosquito fish are NOT guppies, but they are from the same family.
Hope that helps
hi i been also wanting to start doing a little fish breeding for a pufit or just for the fun of it...well i have a small desk/s and sheaves to put tanks on and cat-proof them i'll like to breed betas and something elso from wal-mart or petco
(easy to buy) i been wanting two male betas and fiveish females and they have a nice tank and everything plus i am new to the whole rasing fishies and if i get some and sails what is the piont. as i say i need to build it cat-proof any ideals to help (that is not to give them away
) i plan to buid a small room tank on the desk and bottom some on the shlalves and i plan on getting some shevavls under my widow. i'll would like it in that conner in my room because my bed is by my extas crap there my grandma find (free wood for fires and coops
). so i just need to buy a couple of tanks which have to have a little exta room just in cause and i have no clue how to sexed them or how to tell which are which in pet stores and fishies to breed how ofen and little and the main piont is to make a little exta cash (other anaimls i want
who dosn't want chickens but i'll don't want them just as money but also pets ) sorry to ask just quiestions that i have no clue right now thank you if you awaersers some quiestions for me (plese don't commit on my spelling plese)
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sunny & the 5 egg layers :

How many goldfish for a 50 gallon tank?

I suggest 20 gallons for common goldies, and 25-30 for fancies. Often time, you will hear 10 pet commons and 20 for fancies. You can do this, however, there will be more water changes needed.​
go to a LFS and get fish there walmart and petco are probably two of the worst stores. Especially wally world a place that sells toilet paper and fish equals a bad combonation. Petco always seems to have sick fish all the time the may look healthy until you look at them closely, I was about to buy some gouramis but i took a close look at them and guess what they have. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ICK. so never buy from those two stores unless your buying equipment.

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