Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2024
We have a five ish day old Naked Neck called Churkey, is very light almost as light as the bantam i have in the same cage.
The chick appears to be behaving as normal and has a slightly purple underbelly swollen vent hole, purple area around it and the vent is OUTSIDE of the body. i FEEL like its a prolapse but the area around the vent is hard and feels slightly warm
I bought the bird and noticed the vent swelling when we got Churkey home, but it has gotten slightly worse with the bird needing to be cleaned twice from stuck on poop The poop has been normal and no other birds appear to be exhibiting symptoms of any illness, there are a 10 other birds in the brooder, but she hasnt been hurt that i have seen
We have been giving filtered water, and medicated chick starter grower, and the birds are located in a clean brooder, with pine shavings and wood pellets

Depending on what's going on with the bird, if its contagious or painful, we will be looking at whatever options are best for the group, and most kind for the bird.

is this just the way their buts are? Do i need to do something?? am i just crazy and seeing issues where they arent?
She may be suffering from pasty butt. It can be a result of constipation, dehydration, shipping stress, too much heat, and straining may cause a prolapse. She might have been born with this problem. I would clean the vet with warm soapy water, not getting her too wet or chilling her, and dry it with a tissue. Oil the vent with some Vaseline or other ointment. Get her drinking water. Offer some watery chick feed. A little coconut or olive oil can be given orally or in food. Is your heat lamp red and 250 watts? Do you have a thermometer on the floor under the lamp to make sure it is only about 90 or less? There should be a cooler spot to get in if she is too warm.
Ill put the Vaseline on, just gotta go grab more, and then ill offer her some of the wet feed, they like that alot. i've been cleaning her but everyday so far even if its not really dirty, just to give her a sort of gentle warm massage. The temp seems to stay stable above 85 and below 95. We have the red heat lamp on them currently but might swap it out soon.there is a cooler side of the brooder as its a farily large tub. I am going to experiment with moving the lamp around to the other side and either switch the light out or have it higher up from the brooder//other spots
In 2 days, she only will need 85 degrees, so I would raise the lamp higher. Many people have switched over to a heat plate for chicks, or a Mama heating pad, which are safer than the red heat lamps. Keep an eye on her purple underbelly, in case of mushy chick disease. Is her navel healing?
The navel appears to be doing well. The little gals behavior is also very good a little skittish but good.

the red heat lamp is something we had on hand, when i ordered a heat plate brooder thing, and it never arrived.

I like the use of the heat lamp mainly because its been easy, but next round of chicks will have a better system of heating, and be divided across more brooders.
The birds vent has become bloodied and red. No blood in the poop. but shes def got some redding and scabbing
She may be suffering from pasty butt. It can be a result of constipation, dehydration, shipping stress, too much heat, and straining may cause a prolapse. She might have been born with this problem. I would clean the vet with warm soapy water, not getting her too wet or chilling her, and dry it with a tissue. Oil the vent with some Vaseline or other ointment. Get her drinking water. Offer some watery chick feed. A little coconut or olive oil can be given orally or in food. Is your heat lamp red and 250 watts? Do you have a thermometer on the floor under the lamp to make sure it is only about 90 or less? There should be a cooler spot to get in if she is too warm.
Are the other chicks pecking her vent? Do they have enough room? I would try to use something to mask her vent from being red. A dab of BluKote, zinc oxide or Desitin, Betadine, or blue food coloring might be helpful. You may need to separate her behind a screen or netting if it continues.
ive been watching them (they are RIGHt next to my desk all day) no one is really paying attention to her vent YET, or while im looking. Ive got a lil one so the desitin is easy ive already got it.

Im thinking of getting some save-a-chick for the entire crew, just to be safe, they honestly might need to start being seperated on into a few containers
It is easier to build a larger brooder, and keep them all together. I put an easy one together with 2x4x2 ft high plywood or sheeting and screws. A screen frame on top keeps them from jumping over and out. It comes apart for storage once they are in their coop.

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