Fixing to try and incubate chicken eggs.... What do I do?!


Apr 29, 2020
I want to start incubating our eggs but I cant tell if these eggs are fertile or not! What do I look for? And should I wash them before starting the process? I've had ten eggs under one of our broody hens, and she alternates between sitting on them and the ones in the other boxes. My plan was getting her to sit on them start the developing process, and put them in the incubator once they started developing. I put them under her Friday, and I candled them today but I dont see any veins or anything but a dark spot and I'm pretty sure that's the yolk. Shouldn't they start developing by day three? Are they similar to incubating and candling goose eggs?
Can you try and get a photo?
Sometimes it's hard to spot. If you look hard there should be spidery veins. I don't know if I can see it or not in the first one. The others are even harder to tell. It should be easier to tell in a few days.
I vote broody over incubator any day. If you put the eggs in the incubator you'll probably get a lower hatch rate, and what about the hen sitting still and expecting the eggs to hatch?

Good photos of the candling you took earlier by the way.

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