flavored oatmeal okay for chickens?


12 Years
May 8, 2007
this is a silly question but i bought a box of Quaker instant oatmeal cinnamon & spice flavor and the packets don't dissolve right. i've had this happen before, its like the oatmeal is stale or something. so for me, the texture is gross and i don't want to eat it.

my question is, is it okay to give to my hens? i know it has sugar in it, and i usually try to avoid giving them sugary stuff, but i hate to throw out food.


thanks in advance.
I would think that since you don't do all the time, and if the chickens like the flavored oat meal, let them have it!! I hate wasting food also and rather it go to the dogs, cats or chickens!
I think it would be to high in sugar? I usually buy the plain oatmeal. Cook that and add bannas and yougurt toped with a little scratch. mmm...
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thanks all. i just mixed up two batches, need to heat water and take it down to them. yesterday was -22 wind chill, like 0 for actual temp. i want them to be toasty warm.

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