Flies in coop/run


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
I put my chicks outside In their coop and run 2 days ago and already there are TONS of flies in side the coop and around the run. It's not poop buildup since its only been 2 days. We only give them grower feed right now so it's not from food scraps. Is this just part of chickens or is something not right? We had some crazy rain for a few days prior to me putting them outside but haven't had any rain since then. Im in Florida so it's definitely hot but im just surprised by how many flies have already congregated in the chicken area.
These are necessities


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I spray my bedding with citronella. I also hang old cd’s up to dazzle them.
Apple cider vinegar – Flies love the smell of apples and vinegar. Create a homemade trap by mixing some apple cider vinegar with a natural liquid soap in a bowl. The flies will be attracted to the aroma, but will become trapped by the surface tension created by the soap in the liquid solution.
Hope this helps. Also there are a lot of essential oils that are beneficial to ward off flys.

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