Flock Member Protects Chicken Keeper


Aug 25, 2023
Has anyone ever had this happen? First time I blew it off. Second time I began to wonder if it was just in my head. Third time, coincidence? Fourth time, no more doubts... This is real!
Story: My Red Sexlink "Honey" & Black Copper Maran " Mara".
Honey can be a little aggressive (sometimes). She loves my attention, to hold her (jumping on my lap or on my back) but will sometimes turn & peck or bite me after setting her down. When moving away she'll come after me & I've had to boot her away several times. Once she pecked my nose pretty good. Anyway, 1st time it was a charge & peck after putting her down and Mara was nearby. She promptly pecked her away. 2nd time, same thing & left me wondering if I was crazy. 3rd time, was it just coincidence. 4th time, Mara engaged in a full on attack lunging & jumping onto Honey's back. Anymore if Mara's nearby...Honey gets a good peck!
They forage just fine together side by side, but whenever I'm around and Honey tries to challenge peck me, Mara comes to the rescue. Funny and cute at the same time but makes me feel bad for Honey. Mara ONLY does this if Honey tries to peck me & then leaves her alone after chasing her off. Honey has learned to keep her distance now if Mara comes over to me.
I pay alot of attention to all my hens.

Is this crazy or what???
One year I had a flock with 7 roosters plus a bunch of hens.
One specific rooster would attack me when I came into the pen.
One of the other roosters would attack him when that happened (maybe to protect me?) Actually there were two roosters that would do that, but only one each time-- I don't know how they settled whose turn it was to attack the mean one, but it was always one or the other of them, never both, and never any of the other four roosters.

None of the "attacks" were serious enough to hurt me or any of the roosters, so I just thought it was an interesting thing to observe.

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