Flock of 2 buff Orpingtons and want to introduce 2 baby Cochins


5 Years
Mar 16, 2018
Fernandina Beach FL
I have 2 Buff Orpington hens. They are 22 weeks old. I just got 2 baby Cochin chicks, they are about a week and a half old. How should I go about integrating and when? One of my hens is hopefully about to lay while her sister seems to be more immature than her. I have one coop (pre fab). I don’t really want to buy another coop. I let them free range most of the day in my backyard. My coop isn’t that large though, 3 nesting boxes and 2 roosting bars in coop and one bar in run area.....any advice?
I am in favor of a one way gate, where the chicks can get through but the bigger birds cannot. It creates a safety zone, and lets the chickens interact on their own timeline.

You have very tight quarters, be cautious and slow, and do not get any more birds, you are pretty maxed out for space.

Being in Florida will help, as no winter, but make sure that there is plenty of ventilation.

Mrs K
I think if you can, it would be a good idea to take the nests out of your coop. That will give more space in the coop for roosting. A small dog crate out in the run with a curtain for privacy (they like it a bit dark) would work well. You really don't need too many nests, right now I have 7 laying, and they use one nest most of the time, even though I have 4 available.

People in the north tend to have their nests in the coop, due to the weather, but you don't have to.

Mrs K
I think if you can, it would be a good idea to take the nests out of your coop. That will give more space in the coop for roosting. A small dog crate out in the run with a curtain for privacy (they like it a bit dark) would work well. You really don't need too many nests, right now I have 7 laying, and they use one nest most of the time, even though I have 4 available.

People in the north tend to have their nests in the coop, due to the weather, but you don't have to.

Mrs K
I’ll look into that. Since it’s pre fabricated I’m not sure I can take them out. My dad is building me a fence next week so they can free range on the yard in that side of the house. The inside of the coop has 2 roosting bars but I will see if I can re arrange this.
Also quick question... can I use beach sand in the bottom of the coop for them to scratch in? The dark potting type soil gets so muddy. I’ve also heard of construction sand that can be safe?

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