This is a few years back, I got a huge egg. It turned out to be a egg inside an egg and both were double yolks. You never know until you break it open. I was really surprised.

That EGG!

It's been hot. So hot.
My chicks heave been getting slices of cold watermelon every day, and enjoying hanging out in the shade of the shrubbery scratching for bugs and bathing in the sand.
At 8 weeks they all look like proper little ladies and gentlemen. The cockerels started crowing about a week ago. I chuckle every time. They sound like they are blowing a kazoo. Tiny little raspy voices. The smallest of the pullets is the feistiest of the bunch and pecks me, but I still like her. The nicest looking, and most precocious, of the cockerels doesn't like to get near me, but I forgive his wariness hoping that he will be a great flock leader. He already tidbits to the girls sometimes.
I haven't parted with the three extra cockerels yet, or even tried. I enjoy them all, and so far they all get along except for some occasional neck flaring. I dread the time coming when they no longer play nice, with each other or the ladies, and I have to soup pot the little buggers.

Hope everyone is going to have a wonderful weekend!
That EGG!

It's been hot. So hot.
My chicks heave been getting slices of cold watermelon every day, and enjoying hanging out in the shade of the shrubbery scratching for bugs and bathing in the sand.
My chickens decided they don't like watermelon all of a sudden. Weird thing is they do like the rind. ???? Whatever, more watermelon for me and the rinds can go to them instead of the compost. So I had too much time on my hands the other day, see that would be....Tuesday? Wednesday maybe...anyway, I was itching for something to do, all chores done and all so I figured a nice cool treat would be appreciated by the feather heads. So I took some dried meal worms and put them in a bowl with feed mash and a few peas and popped that in the freezer just long enough to get part frozen and took that out to my free loaders. Wow, Jeanie the top hen was so into it that she forgot to shoo everybody away and they all eat in peace and gluttonous harmony! It was a thing of beauty and a stroke of genius on my part if I do say so myself!
My little crew only eats the center of the melon leaving a thin pink line along the rind.
When I was younger and had birds I remember giving them only the rind with some pink on it and they would eat it to the skin.
I don't mind though. With just me and my husband the local roadside melons are cheap, tasty, but too big for us to eat very quickly. A thin slice for the chicks daily is actually helpful, and the rind they leave goes right to the BSF bin to be devoured in no time at all. Those things love the heat of summer and are going MAD. Billions of them it looks like. I don't even wait fr them to mature and self harvest.
My crew really prefers cantaloupe to watermelon. But they get what I have, and the big melons are super cheap right now. LOL
They go crazy for any extra ears of sweet corn I have from when they are on sale in odd numbers. I even cut the kernels off for them. Terribly spoiled is what they are.
HI! Has anyone near the Jacksonville area gone to the Kerr's Auction? I'm interested to know if they get a good turn out. I have a bunch of grow-outs I'm looking to sell. I have Lemon Blue Splash Cochins, BBS Brahmas, English Crele Orps, Blue Partridge Brahmas & a few Wyandottes. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

PS. If anyone is interested in any of the breeds I mentioned, message me. :)
HI! Has anyone near the Jacksonville area gone to the Kerr's Auction? I'm interested to know if they get a good turn out. I have a bunch of grow-outs I'm looking to sell. I have Lemon Blue Splash Cochins, BBS Brahmas, English Crele Orps, Blue Partridge Brahmas & a few Wyandottes. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

PS. If anyone is interested in any of the breeds I mentioned, message me. :)

Males or females? I haven't been to that auction but have been to some in the past. Sometimes I have gotten good money for the birds and sometime I haven't. I usually do better at our local area swaps.
Males or females? I haven't been to that auction but have been to some in the past. Sometimes I have gotten good money for the birds and sometime I haven't. I usually do better at our local area swaps.
Thanks for the response. I have males & females available. I'd rather sell them as pairs because I have so many males, as everyone wants pullets. I have a bunch that are months old & about the same number that're a few weeks old. I'm in Palm Coast, so there are no local farm swaps. Most are at least an hour away. Kerr's Auction is an hour from me as well, but if it were a good auction, I'd drive that far. If I take birds to swaps or auctions, i don't bring any back for biosecurity reasons.

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