Hey, all you Florida peeps... I'm in MD and the only place I have been able to find my favorite drink (Peach Nehi) is in Ft. Myers, FL. We were on vacation in Sanibel. Can someone please send me some? I will pay $4 for a 2-liter bottle plus actual shipping to 21672. Can anyone help me?
Hey everybody! Got a question.One of my hens sounds like she is congested, should I isolate and treat with antibiotics immediately or should I wait it out? She is still eating and drinking,and freeranging well.I gave the coop a good top to bottom cleaning today too in case it is a dust issue but I'm not sure what steps to take next since I don't know what she has.
Hey everybody! Got a question.One of my hens sounds like she is congested, should I isolate and treat with antibiotics immediately or should I wait it out? She is still eating and drinking,and freeranging well.I gave the coop a good top to bottom cleaning today too in case it is a  dust issue but I'm not sure what steps to take next since I don't know what she has.
I would quarantine her and watch and wait. If it is respiratory, my understanding is that if one has it, they have all been exposed to it. If she ends up have a respiratory illness, you can choose to treat her then. Then keep a closed flock so you don't infect any other birds. Hopefully it's nothing. Will you keep us posted?
I would quarantine her and watch and wait. If it is respiratory, my understanding is that if one has it, they have all been exposed to it. If she ends up have a respiratory illness, you can choose to treat her then. Then keep a closed flock so you don't infect any other birds. Hopefully it's nothing. Will you keep us posted?

Yes I will keep you posted.I have her in quarantine now.Like I said she seems fine other than the congested sound she makes.She eats free ranges and drinks well still.she was even dust bathing today.How long should I wait for her to clear up?
I give my birds when they have some congestion, Tylan 50, 1/2cc intramuscularly every other day for 3 doses. I'm sure there are other drugs. I am careful when I give a bird an injection as to not hit the breast bone.
Yes I will keep you posted.I have her in quarantine now.Like I said she seems fine other than the congested sound she makes.She eats free ranges and drinks well still.she was even dust bathing today.How long should I wait for her to clear up?
Tylan 50 administered in the breast was a wonder drug for me just like CMOM suggested. It doesn't cure your chicken but does knock out symptoms. I thought it was every day for 3 days and no more than 5 days so I'd search it on the forums to double check. I'd keep them separate til you don't see anymore symptoms in the chicken.. Could be up to two weeks is my best guess. I have done a ton of reading but can't replace tons of actual experience people on here have. The professor in charge of poultry at University of Florida Vet School I talked to never uses antibiotics on his personal flock and lets nature weed out the weak. He also does not kill sick birds or the entire flock if a bird gets CRD. Good luck and keep us posted.


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