Flowering perennial vines & chickens


Aug 29, 2020
SW Missouri
I just got an iron arch & put it at the gate going into our fenced raised bed garden. I'm looking for a perennial vine that flowers to climb it. My chickens free range in our large backyard. We fenced the garden because of the chickens & dogs. Google is running me in circles & I figured I'd just ask y'all. Do you have any recommendations? I'm in SW Missouri.
I have a similar set up here (Cambridge, UK), arch leading to/separating the garden from the allotment section of our plot. I grow climbing roses up either side, the chickens love the falling petals when the roses go over. I also have clematis growing on one side, which the chickens ignore completely and wineberry on the opposite side but any fruiting climber would do well :)
Also underplanted with lavender which smells amazing when we brush past it :love

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