
Alan Ashcroft

6 Years
Jan 25, 2018
Campbell River BC
My Coop
My Coop
We just bought an acreage with a chicken coop and we are going to get some laying hens in the spring.

A friend from work told me about this site, saying that it's the place to start before you buy any chickens

I enjoy hunting, shooting , fishing, camping and woodworking

Our acreage has two homes on it and our oldest lives in the second home with his two kids and we have our youngest still with us and a grandson as well. I retired from the Airforce a couple of years ago and now work with my wife in our accounting office in Courtenay BC
Hi Alan, and Welcome to BYC. I am going to be kind of cheap here and link you to an outside resource to thumb through as you consider breeds.

Which breed should I get?
Which breed is right for me?
To determine this you have to answer several questions.

  • Where do you live? Pick a breed that is adapted for your climate.
  • What are your land and shelters like? If the birds are to range freely, choose a breed that is a good forager.
  • What do you want the birds to do? Provide the family with meat, eggs, both, neither? Choose a breed that best meets these needs.
  • Which breeds do you like? Pick one that you like to look at and will enjoy working with for years to come.
When you have answered ALL of these questions, and have written a job description for your future chickens, go through The Livestock Conservancy’s Pick a Chick Chart to help select the appropriate breed for you.

Best of luck with your adventure and there are certainly more breeds to consider than just these Heritage breeds.

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