How is your hip doing? Seems you are being quite active with the chooks and their housing. Hope you aren't overdoing it!

@RoyalChick Is that cough starting to go away yet?

@ValarieF 🙏:fl Hope that today's shots go well and that tomorrow you are feeling 'right as rain' (well, as close as possible!)

@Ponypoor I do hope you are feeling better - especially as Christmas approaches - nice to have a decent day of no sore throat, headaches, yuck feelings!

@RebeccaBoyd I hope you have finally caught up with the pain meds regarding pain. STOP trying to stretch it out! :hugs I hope evil momma hen makes it through this storm and cold snap. I just love her and would hate for anything to happen. Wind and wet are the worst for them...it was hard to see for sure by the picture - is she under the lip of the rock enough to stay reasonably dry?

I know I am missing someone who is under the weather - I apologize, and am not intentionally snubbing you.:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
I'm doing well, had a PT appt today and am making progress. I do PT exercises daily, and am X-Country skiing (carefully) with my telemark equipment, which involves moves that I found out today PT thinks are good for me - lunges on downhills and climbing in the snow, etc. But I have very little adductor strength in that leg. On the other hand there's new pain there when doing some of the exercises (more like me trying my darndest to do them), so the working theory is those nerves and muscle groups might be beginning to wake up and heal from the trauma. The latest chicken run work involved a ladder - a bigger step than stairs - and my quads which are working way better still aren't all working quickly together. So I climbed carefully and slowly, making sure everybody needed in my leg muscle groups were onboard and up to working on the job. I could feel the weakness but it's good therapy, I think!
Snow is falling so you know what that means? Oh, and also, the temperature changed for Friday. Instead of marvelous 52 F weather, they're going to give me that 41 F. Oof.
I'm going to enter the Chilly Coop Contest contest again and decorate my coop.

More photos. Again, green font for funny captions.

I look very creepy. My eyes look like fish.
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Two fluffy butts at work. Grandma is on the left.
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Who's there? I don't have time for such games. I'm busy. Go away.
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What is this? Perhaps I should leave it alone.
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This cat loves to explore. She found a feather.
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The sun is blinding me. But this is my favorite spot.View attachment 3355940
I have a video of her chasing Tony's feather but I forgot to upload it so I'll do that later today.
Update: It stopped snowing but it is now raining and it is 35 F. This will sure be interesting and the weird thing is is that other areas like Shippensburg had a virtual learning day but cities like York didn't get any virtual learning. In fact, most schools closed with no virtual learning and not one area in South Central PA had any schools with a two hour delay.
Yes, came back from PT today, about 3:30, it was snowing up a storm all the way from town to our hill and we found a school bus trying to get up the top of the hill with it's back end slid off the road into the ditch. Filled with school kids in there. Help was on the way the driver said. Why didn't they send them home early today?
So, this is a chicken RELATED post, not an actual chicken:

While I know this doesn't amount to a hill of beans given the size of my flock, my frugal Yankee nature enjoys doing this, and thought I would share. And, though barely a drop in the bucket...my chooks enjoy the 'drop'😊

Whenever I use root crops (beets, carrots, parsnips, etc.) I do this:

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They are setting in an upturned yogurt container lid, and in the kitchen windowsill. These were the tops off carrots that I cut & processed for the chooks Sunday night for Monday breakfast (with a mix of other veggies) They have grown/started sprouting in just a 3.5 days. There is one, maybe 2 of the bunch that won't sprout. I will remove any this Sat. that haven't at least started sprouting - so they don't rot. The rest will sit there for about 2 weeks, at which point I toss them to the chicks to eat (preferably putting them in some kind of feeder for greens so they can more easily break pieces off)

Presently, each morning I put about 1/2 an ounce to an ounce of water in the lid each morning. Once the greens really start to grow, I will do it twice a day. Since it is at the kitchen sink, whenever I put dishes in, or wash dishes, I see them so don't forget to add water. (that part is crucial!)

This is something that anyone can do, and it is free greens easily obtained for them in the winter. Hope it is something you might like to try!
Thank you! I might try.
Yes, came back from PT today, about 3:30, it was snowing up a storm all the way from town to our hill and we found a school bus trying to get up the top of the hill with it's back end slid off the road into the ditch. Filled with school kids in there. Help was on the way the driver said. Why didn't they send them home early today?
Exactly! I was angry this morning because I really thought that there was going to be either an asynchronous day or 2 hour delay but CASD thought that just because it was going to snow after 7 didn't mean that they would've kept kids at home in advance. Most schools in other areas like Fairfield had a Flexible Instruction Day or closed schools completely, like no online classes or FID. Honestly, I was hoping for the kids to be sent home early due to snow and rain but no. Asynchronous day or 2 hour delay. Either one is fine but being sent to school even when winter weather occurs is ridiculous. The school district is ridiculous for not letting kids stay at home in the first place. Imagine a student almost being late to class all because of weather confusion.
This is why I prefer homeschooling. But my parents never allowed it.

Extremely angry tax (am I doing this tax thing right?) followed by a funny caption.

Yes, I really do need to lie down on this porch. I'm stretching and relaxing.
Watching Top Gun Maverick? (No wonder you fell asleep) :gig Yeah I’m kidding.
I watched Top Gun after I woke up from my nap.......so many memories for us old folk. Loved it. Hope my chooks are warm enough tonight. Its supposed to get really cold. I might have to go check on them.
Look how smart Little Loosey Goosey is. She is in-between Butter who will protect her from the 2 bullies on one side. The other side she has Bubba and he will keep the bully on the other side from pecking her. Branch is directly under her and he will keep the bottom girls from trying to pull her down. Those silkie smarts of hers are starting to shine through.
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If she continues to use her brain, and silkie feistiness, one day this little girl could go far in the pecking order. Are we seeing the development of a future Queen in the making?
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Look at her little feets, she has the heaviest foot feathering out of the entire flock and is only about 5 months old. I simply adore them.
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She is GORGEOUS! I love the feathered tootsies ❤️
Finally zeroed in on what she reminds me of….

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:lau :yuckyuck :lau
If you play chicken recordings while that is lit up inside, then I would say definitely YES!
Not YET but you never know maybe next Christmas!!
I watched Top Gun after I woke up from my nap.......so many memories for us old folk. Loved it. Hope my chooks are warm enough tonight. Its supposed to get really cold. I might have to go check on them.
I hope they’re warm enough too. I have half my birds inside now ( and this is California )

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