Step 1 is a success. The incubator and the turner turned on. It is almost up to temperature after just a few minutes. Now, step 2. Will it hold temperature for a few hours?
I am just giddy with egg-citement! Everyone is hatching eggs, getting babies. Can't wait till I get my chickie-loos :)
The Queen (Light Brahma) lays the really large ones consistently. Not sure about the others other than the white ones. Lucy and Ethel, (the leghorns), lay the white eggs. So one of them laid the tiny white egg.
This is the Queen (she will be 3 years old in May)
View attachment 3425644

These two are Lucy and Ethel (they are going on 1 year old)
View attachment 3425643View attachment 3425642
Beauties all - and I love the wattles on Lucy and Ethel - they are wonderful! And that Leghorn tail - lovely! I have 5 Dark Brahma pullets on order for April - so I guess once they start laying eggs that will be the size of egg I will get... ?

Whohoo, temp hit 100.5. Now, If at 6 this evening it is still there we are all ready to go.


Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it....

awe shucks, I'm doing it!
Hush you! Go on Rebecca, do it!

I have to live vicariously through her! If she was on my way home I would pop in for a half dozen eggs and throw in my niece's incubator! seeing as how non of my crowd is thinking of going broody yet...
Anger level 90% !! My roofer has showed up to spot repair the roof leak. But he obviously didn’t consider that I have a nose and can smell alcohol! I sent him home. No one is gonna get hurt on my property. I’m going to need a backup plan for the roofing. :barnie
Tax:View attachment 3425694
YES - good move - is anything were to happen and he fell off the roof you would be held responsible in the eyes of OSHA and here in Canada with OHSA - I also always ask for a copy of their Workers Compensation Liability Insurance.

You did the right thing - good for you!

(I will pay tax in a bit)
I was able to rub Hen-Rietta’s huge floppy comb last night. Nope, I couldn’t get it to flop to the other side.
Hey I love her floppy comb! You leave it be! :)

I agree. I have lost pretty many chickens in only three years. Predators, sudden unexpected death, things like that.
It isn’t like cats and dogs.
So sad when we lose our pets - one has to have nerves of steel to have kids and pets. But they are worth it.

And you were worried about US being enablers! You don't need any, you enable yourself! :lau :lau :lau

Glad the incubator seems to be working so far, though. Nothing worse than enabling yourself, only to have the incubator not successfully incubate!
Well she has pretty much did her job in getting me to get more chicks, AND to seriously think of throwing eggs under Marty! haha! Now she needs to turn her attention to her own chickies 💕 She can't be left out of all the fun!

That is my fear. Get my hands on something I really really want to incubate and then the thing not even turn on. With my crew I should have a broody hen as backup. But, karma says if the incubator dies not a single hen will be broody.
Ya I hear ya! Last year I had nothing but broody, broody, broody - watch - I bet since this year I want to get those chicks no one will be broody! I fear I will be stuck raising those little munchkins myself! I don't even cluck all that well...!
honestly, I put on some old John Denver music and me and Jaffar are relaxing in musical splendor
Ah yes - some nice soothing country music - clear rocky mountain high. And country roads that will take one home - well hopefully take me home soon!

Relax, put your feet up and enjoy.
Oh dear Lord spare me!
Lovely day here. We are all outside in the sunshine.
Eli is eyeing up the roof of the Chicken Palace.
You just know she can get there if she chooses - with the overhang it is lower than the rafters.
From the roof it is an easy hop up to the tulip tree. That is 75’ if it is an inch.
Sunflower seeds have distracted her for now but she will be back I am sure!

View attachment 3425790View attachment 3425792
Eli - do not do what we think you are thinking of doing! You are making your Hooman very worried! Now eat those sunflower seeds and be a good young lady.

“Road trip, just me and daddy! Yay!”View attachment 3425827
Now which of your lovely ladies is this? (you know I am terrible with names and faces!).

And did she do a doodoo? oooops!
That is a seat cover. The seats are leather
Ok so doodoo is cleaned up (and leather cleans up really easy!

So why isn't she wearing her seat belt?

The outer areas of the bucket seats are cloth, but the seat is heated and cooled leather
(not a fan of leather at all - makes me sweat in the summer no matter it's cooled... and it's so slipper I slid right off the seats!)

Gave the chooks corn and cantalope for treats
Bet they loved that! I am going to try mine with cob corn in the summer :)

Only Jaffar knows that I have a plane. :D
Maybe tell Dakota about the plane - bet she will like that!

OK so here is some tax I owe.

Fluffy when she was younger

And this is why Silkies should not be allowed outside in the rain!

hahaha poor chooks - I turned the heater on in the feedroom for them to warm up and dry off.
Because of the stress of drunk roofers, I had to consult with my feathered therapist and emotional support counselor “Jaffar”
He said “if one lady rejects you, go hop onto another one, some one will squat for you!” I don’t think that he understood what I was causing my anxiety!
Or maybe he was trying to let you know that that releases HIS anxiety - you should try it! :lau :lau :lau
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Ah yes - some nice soothing country music - clear rocky mountain high. And country roads that will take one home - well hopefully take me home soon!

Relax, put your feet up and enjoy.

Eli - do not do what we think you are thinking of doing! You are making your Hooman very worried! Now eat those sunflower seeds and be a good young lady.

Now which of your lovely ladies is this? (you know I am terrible with names and faces!).

And did she do a doodoo? oooops!

Ok so doodoo is cleaned up (and leather cleans up really easy!

So why isn't she wearing her seat belt?

(not a fan of leather at all - makes me sweat in the summer no matter it's cooled... and it's so slipper I slid right off the seats!)

Bet they loved that! I am going to try mine with cob corn in the summer :)

Maybe tell Dakota about the plane - bet she will like that!

OK so here is some tax I owe.

Fluffy when she was younger
View attachment 3425856

And this is why Silkies should not be allowed outside in the rain!
View attachment 3425857

hahaha poor chooks - I turned the heater on in the feedroom for them to warm up and dry off.
Please Kelly, understand this and don’t take it the wrong way… :tongue
Ah yes - some nice soothing country music - clear rocky mountain high. And country roads that will take one home - well hopefully take me home soon!

Relax, put your feet up and enjoy.

Eli - do not do what we think you are thinking of doing! You are making your Hooman very worried! Now eat those sunflower seeds and be a good young lady.

Now which of your lovely ladies is this? (you know I am terrible with names and faces!).

And did she do a doodoo? oooops!

Ok so doodoo is cleaned up (and leather cleans up really easy!

So why isn't she wearing her seat belt?

(not a fan of leather at all - makes me sweat in the summer no matter it's cooled... and it's so slipper I slid right off the seats!)

Bet they loved that! I am going to try mine with cob corn in the summer :)

Maybe tell Dakota about the plane - bet she will like that!

OK so here is some tax I owe.

Fluffy when she was younger
View attachment 3425856

And this is why Silkies should not be allowed outside in the rain!
View attachment 3425857

hahaha poor chooks - I turned the heater on in the feedroom for them to warm up and dry off.
There are no laws concerning seatbelts on poultry…. You got to be kidding!

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