An open letter to all chickens
From the servant at the Chicken Palace.

Dear chickens,
Please have some consideration for your hooman servants. They try their best to look after your every need, and when they fail to come up to your expectations it is because they are slow-witted and are not fluent in Chicken, not because they have bad intent.
Please note, that as well as being slow-witted, some of your servants are old. Some, dare I say it, are fat. It really is not good for their health to be running around in the sun chasing chickens when the heat index is over 100 degrees. That is Fahrenheit - if you chickens prefer Celsius - that is 38 degrees C.
So please, if you choose to fly over your fence, could you kindly do so on a cool day and please, when you have done whatever it is you flew out to do, can you return promptly to the safety of your chicken area and not lead your servant on a high speed chase across open fields and through dense shrubbery.
I am not blaming anyone in particular, Sylvie, but on behalf of the servants I must stress this is a health and safety issue that requires prompt attention.
Humbly yours,
The chicken servants of the world

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Make sure your chooks get that on Beakbook!
Make sure your chooks get that on Beakbook!


Okie...gotta wite day down fo da fellas! K aw do it looks wike chimkin scratch iz awl right! Dank you hoom- (clears throat) The poultry federation thanks you for your cooperation hooman.
Great video! Have they tried out the new roost yet?
Thank you!=

Yep, they did. But there is ONE EXCEPTION. I put Sheenfeather and Tweety on the new roost last night so that the rest of them could follow an example. But the older chickens were already on the roost and they were making a plan to stop the rest of the youngsters from getting up there. Amberfeather somehow got up, but not on the new roost, the old roost that all the older chickens were on! Buffy softly pecked her a few times, but then Breezefeather and the rest except Stormfeather started coming. Breezefeather jumped over Amberfeather and got onto the new roost, and that caused Amberfeather to move over. When the rest got on, they moved to different levels on the roost. What got annoying though was that Stormfeather decided to try and sleep on the floor....

That wasn't going to slide.

I shooed him away from the corner that he was in and after a while, he jumped onto the first level, then the second. And he stopped right there. I tried to make him move up a bit more, but he wouldn't budge anymore. When I pushed him up, he turned on me and nipped my finger. And thankfully, that was the end of it!

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