Wish I had known. I would have treated myself to a packet of macadamia nuts. They are delicious but wildly expensive!
White chocolate macadamia nut cookie would have been my go to

Yes, thank you!
I came back in and drank a large amount of cold water - and then I remembered that woman who died from drinking too much water and stopped to eat a salty cracker too.
I considered diving in to the packet of Sav-a-Chick that I spotted on the shelf!
Geez it is very hot and very humid out there - honestly I get drenched in just two minutes without running around trying to persuade Sylvie to go back home.
She is not even supposed to be a flying breed of chicken, but she doesn't seem to have read that memo.
Should have been called Sav-a-Royal-Chick.
My bad, it's 4 x 8 x 6 ft tall.
That sounds better, much better. Even though 3 guineas don't need a lot of room, only 4x4 wouldn't give them much flight room. I know you don't have the predator load I have, but if I am correct, that doesn't have a solid/wire roof, just the diagonal supports for the tarp/cover......will that be a problem for you there?
This may be a odd question, but:
Those of you who have had chickens die:
Did any of your chickens try calling the dead one?
Felicitas did this for a few days after Abigail died and still does it occasionally.
Yes. I have had chickens call for and/or look for a passed chicken.

It is especially true if they don't get to see the chicken as it is passing and/or after it has died. (i.e. if a fox takes one sneakily versus them getting to say goodbye when a chicken is ailing and passes.

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