Humans can Really be Awful

This is horrid research. It is all governed by what is the cheapest way to get an egg. Because we are now using corn to power our cars in an effort to save money on more expensive feed they are now going to essentially starve laying hens. They will live horrible lives in cages and slowly state l starve to death while giving us cheap eggs. They will well and truly be burnt out by 18 months with almost no hope of surviving. 😥

Humans can be quite barbaric. Especially so to beings we believe to be beneath us. Not that we have been super kind to other humans.

It's amazing they have proven that malnourished hens will sacrifice their own bodies to lay eggs. Malnourished human women will do the same when pregnant.
It’s terrible here the agriculture it so intense, there is this one dairy I pass going to site, they must have 500 cows, it round the clock milking and cattle trucks in there looks like daily shipping out cows.

Poultry farms galore- it’s no wonder there is so much avian flu! I am terrified to go home and be with my chooks. I am going to really make sure I disinfect myself before going to the barn when I get home. Last Spring millions of birds here in the Frazer Valley were destroyed.

On another note, it looks like the farm next to the work site has pasture ranged hens, they have these chain link paddocks running along the sheds and I see chickens out there at first I didn’t know what it was but then I saw the chickens.
Styrophone….? 😆
Styrophone Mobile, a subsidiary of Philomena Cellular, Inc.

This sounds terrible and I haven’t the emotional fiber right now to read it. What can we do? Write to the federal agricultural committee members if one is our representative?
Try the experiment on the researchers. Except instead of laying eggs have them build chicken coops.
I know I'm being a little mean with that suggestion, but people are terrible that only think of money.
More pictures of Peep please, and her sister. Actually I encourage all my fluffy butt friends who have silkie hens to post their pictures a little bit more. I still feel so lost without having a silkie hen running around. I am very thankful I have my beloved Branch with me but it does not feel complete.
:hugs :hugs
I too get those duct cleaning calls.

It goes like this:

‘Hello ma’am we are calling about duct cleaning’

Me: ‘duck cleaning?’

‘Yes ma’am duct cleaning’

Me: ‘do you do Indian Runners?’
(It was at that point in time I realized it might sound racist to the person on the other end who was obviously East Indian - but I went with it)

‘I beg you pardon ma’am?’

Me: ‘I have Indian Runners, and Muscovy, do you clean those also?’
(Quiet on the other end…)

‘Ma’am we do duct cleaning’

Me: ‘yes, but what type of ducks do you clean?’

‘Your house ducts ma’am’

Me: ‘house ducks ? I don’t keep ducks in the house, they crap everywhere, messy things. But if you can clean them then I won’t have to do it myself’

‘Yes ma’am we clean ducts, would you like to set up a date to clean have them cleaned?’

Me: ‘well if you think you can handle them, I don’t want anyone who isn’t used to handling ducks, they fly everywhere’

‘Ma’am, what flies everywhere?’

Me: ‘the ducks, nasty smelly things, crapping everywhere, they never shut up quacking… hello? Hello? Are you still there?’


Edit: I just want to point out that when one lives in the country and it’s winter and one is bored, then one must make their own fun 😊 I once had some poor guy believing I lived in a fly in community, had to hunt my own meat, chop my own wood, and melt snow for water.

Poor dude told me I needed to migrate to the city where life was easier 😁 at that point I told him ‘sorry buddy gotta go, got a moose hanging in the tree out there ready to butcher - and I hung up the phone. Most fun I had with a telemarketer for 30 min ever!
Love it! Because it has ducks in it does that mean you don't owe a tax payment?
I too get those duct cleaning calls.

It goes like this:

‘Hello ma’am we are calling about duct cleaning’

Me: ‘duck cleaning?’

‘Yes ma’am duct cleaning’

Me: ‘do you do Indian Runners?’
(It was at that point in time I realized it might sound racist to the person on the other end who was obviously East Indian - but I went with it)

‘I beg you pardon ma’am?’

Me: ‘I have Indian Runners, and Muscovy, do you clean those also?’
(Quiet on the other end…)

‘Ma’am we do duct cleaning’

Me: ‘yes, but what type of ducks do you clean?’

‘Your house ducts ma’am’

Me: ‘house ducks ? I don’t keep ducks in the house, they crap everywhere, messy things. But if you can clean them then I won’t have to do it myself’

‘Yes ma’am we clean ducts, would you like to set up a date to clean have them cleaned?’

Me: ‘well if you think you can handle them, I don’t want anyone who isn’t used to handling ducks, they fly everywhere’

‘Ma’am, what flies everywhere?’

Me: ‘the ducks, nasty smelly things, crapping everywhere, they never shut up quacking… hello? Hello? Are you still there?’


Edit: I just want to point out that when one lives in the country and it’s winter and one is bored, then one must make their own fun 😊 I once had some poor guy believing I lived in a fly in community, had to hunt my own meat, chop my own wood, and melt snow for water.

Poor dude told me I needed to migrate to the city where life was easier 😁 at that point I told him ‘sorry buddy gotta go, got a moose hanging in the tree out there ready to butcher - and I hung up the phone. Most fun I had with a telemarketer for 30 min ever!
That is amazing! :gig :lau :gig :lau :gig :lau

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