Bedtime pics.
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Soft and fluffy hen with a nice full crop
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Roosting with the teenagers is preferable to getting a crop check I guess. No pecking my hand today at least.
Not sure which photo contest to submit that sky and snow picture to 🤷
Our power came back on while we were at the store thankfully. There are currently 200 crews working to restore it to my whole area. These wet snows before the leaves all drop are awful for taking down branches and power lines.
So glad your power is back on.
I have given up on nest box sleeping. I just let them sleep there if they want to. No one gets a pot but because of it. Any eggs get messy but it hasn't caused but messes.

There is certainly nothing you can do about the pecking order. Avert your eyes and only intervene if they get cornered somehow or blood is drawn.

It's not easy but Phyllis went through the same thing after the first time she went broody. She is dishing it out these days.
What is the pecking order there now?
Phyllis gets thrown off the roost (every so often, not every night?) but she’s also giving as good as she gets, so to whom?
I think the broody thing when they are young really messes their hormones, and when they get out of it, it's like they have a hangover or getting out of a drug trip. They don't know what they should be doing with themselves.
And they can be really hard on one another. I also worry for them even though I know it is the chicken way. I think it is likely a transitory situation for yours. If it lasts after you are back, maybe think in terms of your set up. Is Sylvie feeling the nest is the only safe place away from Piglet ?
Thank you @ManueB, I think you are right - she really is just very confused generally. Looking at the cameras I can see she came out of the nest box at about 1am and roosted at the far end of the Pentagonists roost. At about 4am Piglet `joined her and didn't peck her. Then Piglet left the roost at about 6am because any time spent not eating is wasted time!
It doesn't get light here now until after 7am so it seems to me that there is a lot of activity in the darkness considering chickens are supposedly not able to see in the dark!
OMG! Eve is getting so big! And her face - it no longer looks like a toddler's face - but is looking more like a pre-teen face!!! (I know, she isn't a pre-teen yet - not trying to rush it - but gosh her face has matured so much!!! 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰

And just love the picture of Hattie with the pumpkin seed in her mouth!:love

She is looking like she has most of her feathers back...but they haven't finished growing all the way out yet. Soon she will be back to her fully fluffed out self, with her beautiful smokey grey, rich, color.

I do hope it isn't a 'true' smokey grey....🤔and she has been refraining from enjoying smoking breaks with her construction worker buddies!:lau
She's been running my fantasy football team that had lost 6 straight so there has been a lot of smoking going on.

But you’re gaining experience which really counts. You’re doing pretty well, you’re observing what is working and what isn’t, and adjusting. That’s really the key to it all. The chickens will learn and adjust too, and temporary freak outs aren’t permanent. They have some kind of built-in risk tolerance that amazes me. You can regain his trust by spending calm times with him, on his terms, where he feels safe, and with some goodies you provide.

The crate idea is to limit his movement, so if he’s not moving much in the run that sounds fine. He is breeding the hens? That might be hard on his leg.

If you do need to crate someone - and if someone gets seriously injured that is a possibility - bring in a friend or two with them for companionship. It helps them deal with the new environment to have that. I brought all three Spuds in the dog crate because they had always, always, been together and it’s just a good comfort to keep that going. And you know now that if it’s going to be ridiculous trying to catch them during the day, do it at night.

Onward! The chickens don’t give up, so don’t you give up either!
Great post. :goodpost:
Poor Grandma. Last year she passed out candy to trick or treaters and her owner really wanted to bring her out for trick or treating again but the other owner said no. Grandma was a lucky chicken for staying past her bedtime for nothing but children wearing costumes, talking and grabbing candy.
She had her costume ready for nothing.
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How sad. Give her a hug from me. :hugs

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