Mugs Monday

Yea l so now some tax owed for off topic, and some mugs.

I caught Twister having a sunny snooze the other day

Muffy should be laying an egg soon - maybe…

I give up on Petunia - I don’t think she is close to laying at all

Butterscotch is just being coy about everything

Raven hasn’t laid an egg on a while but she seems to be in a slow mount so likely why

And of course I love this photo 😊
I didn't ask. I work with the guy so I'm going to leave that one for now. There is a 10 acre parcel between my place and his mom's. The dog shouldn't be going that far anyway.

The ones up from down below are another matter. I get 2 seconds for life to go sideways and poof they've taken off. Those dogs didn't kill anyone this time. They're saying I need to fence the coop. And they're probably right. However they still need to keep the dogs home. One went over to the place with the cows while I was down there. Those folks have chickens that range at least part of the time also. I had Cheetah fly from the ledge above Castor's house, across the patio AND the pavers under the arbor, across the sidewalk and land next to the flower barrels. If he can fly that far from a 4' ledge (plus the patio step up), the ridge the coop is on will be no problem to get a launch from to go down the hill, over any fence. Lark and/or Indigo has been on the ROOF of the coop. Again, how to fence that? While including at least SOME of the trees for them?
Right. I don’t think you fence the coop. You fence the area that the chickens roam in. Maybe that’s your entire property, maybe a swath of it. You don’t seem to have much aerial predator harm, it’s land predators, Mainly domestic dogs.
It’s like defensive driving. You can’t control other people and their pets doing things they shouldn’t. You take measures to protect yourself against the odd occurrence.
Long story.

Came home from work yesterday. Kid said a yellow tail went past the window (on the deck). Visiting dog. Went to close the coop last night. Head count 27. No Twirp. Looked around. Not a trace.

This morning, opened coop. Whiskey has a totally naked tail nub. Something snatched his tail. Otherwise he seems fine (can't catch to treat, he's running around). Called off work: bone chill and tired after coffee. Finally took a soak. Gearing up to take Sherlock for a walk and see a dog in the drive. Head out after it. (Sherlock had an accident inside immediately after that, kid working on cleaning up). Dog owner (co-worker who's mother is a neighbor: place with all the cars) said he saw the dog chasing a white bird. We go walkabout down the outside of the pea tree hedge. Found Quartz, then Granite. Look around more not find anymore, but hear a squawk from down below. (Wondering why the 2 were out where we found them, what was going on around the coop). Owner offered to pay for the birds. Ok. No idea what they're going to do with the dog (I didn't ask). Owner leaves and I go start Head count around the coop. Come up with 22. With Twirp missing, Quartz and Granite dead, should be 25. 3 missing: Pear, Nimbus, and I'm not sure who. I saw Whiskey, Cheetah, Hector, Blanche, PITA, Cuckoo, Lark, Indigo, Primula, Belladonna, Nellie, Pippa, Maizie, Mera, Storm, Cardhu, Cumulo, Shan, Enigma.....pretty sure I saw Jessica, Havoc....leaves Tuff and Chia (possibly off laying another egg in her hiding spot). Anyway, not quite sure who is missing.

Went down to lower neighbors to see if the squawk I heard was from there. His mom (former owner of our place) and his sister and a young man (not sure who) were there. Yellow dog from yesterday is there. Now they know dog was up ON the deck. Also found Whiskey's tail feathers down there, so proof something grabbed at him. Told them about Twirp missing yesterday, the 2 dead today, hearing something down there. They had been out trimming some of the shrubs when one of the dogs flushed a chicken out of the rose patch at the end of the house near where the feathers were. We go out and poke under the juniper bush. (My hair is still wet from my soak and hanging to my waist). I can see tail feathers, looking suspiciously like Twirp's. Used some hand snips to trim out a couple of branches and I can see her. It is Twirp. As soon as I laid hands on her tail feathers, she squirms farther in (I'm belly down under a juniper shrub up to my waist). Finally fish her out and she hunkers down in my arms, obviously scared and shock. She's got similar wounds to Whiskey's, just with a couple more tail feathers. They're going to keep an eye out for any more birds and let me know if they find any. Twirp got brought back up to the house, where we started cleaning up (poopy butt in addition to the feather loss). Drink of water got her standing on her own, drinking and looking around a bit. Still more interested in sitting still. Sprayed area with vetricyn. Then had kid go out and bring in the baby tote. Tucked her in there, then set up feeder. Went out to the coop, trying to figure out who would be a calm companion (She's the independent, go off by herself twirp). Whiskey is roosting.....ooh good idea, need to treat him too. Bit of a fight getting him off the roost so he's mostly fine. Corner him and pack him in (he's pretty unhappy about it, and quite the hefty weight, at least double Twirp, who is about 4 pounds). Get his backside sprayed and add him to the tote. Quarters are TIGHT, he's a big boy......and a good boy. He promptly starts talking to Twirp and tidbitting over the food, eating as he goes. Good.

Take Sherlock for a walk (he's been looked in the laundry out of the way, and needs a bath from his accident). Warm enough to use the hose....which he fights hard enough to slip his collar. He runs off in his "I've got the zoomies" gait and I have visions of him going through the birds.....surprisingly he comes right back when I call him. Collar back on and tightened down a bit. Try more washing....he's wet...good enough. Back inside to introduce him to his new house mates (who are NOT happy: Whiskey sounds alarm and Twirp hides under him. Sherlock is naturally curious about it and wants to poke his nose in. Repeated efforts, finally move the baby gate (for keeping him off the stairs and haven't needed that way in a while) over to help "fence off the corner". Now lots more opportunities to practice "come" with distractions. Drying him off was more difficult as he likes to play with towels.

All this has been over the last 2 and a half hours. Currently sitting in living room, Sherlock napping at feet. Hearing pecking from the kitchen. Have vitamins in the water and mixed scratch and pellets into the feeder. Also have pumpkins to process, so some of those will go to birds. Still need to go back out and see if any of the others have turned up. Definitely NOT what I planned on doing on a sick day (more like nipping the sick before it gets nasty). I still have juniper in my sweater (alpaca wool, and when it came to rescuing Twirp, I didn't care) and need to brush out my hair, getting rid of any more twigs in it.
I am so sorry about Granite and Quartz. They were so young. :-(

At this point I really hope Pear and Nimbus would show up. 🙏
My fencer sends out 15,000 volts and let me tell you when you hit that fence you know it. It’s really more than I needed for the horses but it was a good price when I bought it so long ago…

Now I will use it to protect the chooks - if I ever get the run finished!
This was the easiest, earliest molt season we have ever had. I have never seen it go so smoothly.
I am just happy those that are/did moult actually continued eating - it’s always an issue I find with those moulting. I really wish Marty would moult and replace her broken feathers.
Okay this is harsh but so many people think that their dogs can just run loose, especially out in the countryside. The neighbors all around you should be paying for you to get an electric fence, either just wires if that will work for coyotes and dogs or a poultry netting fence. That would be proper consideration.
I agree. Either the dog has to be properly contained or the neighbor should pay to protect the chickens. High voltage is the best way IMHO.
Awwwww soooo sorry to hear, gosh she really lived a long time for a ‘factory’ hen - and I am soooo very glad she had a great life with you.

You are so good with these rescue hens, have you ever thought of getting another rescue? You do so good with them, and know how to care for them you would be a great rescue mama to another one or two older ladies 💕❤️
Yes. This. Good idea. @Marie2020 maybe you can find some elderly friends for Princess?
Ok so after much back and forth, back and forth… I decided I would let Henny Penny try to hatch out some eggs.

After inspecting Henny and how much surface area she could cover I decided that I would give her 3 Marty, and one each of Curly, Fluffy, and of course Penelope’s egg.
View attachment 3676420

Awww, she tucked all these eggs nicely under her. She's gonna be a good mama.

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