Christmas Mugs

From Phyllis

I'm not sure, but definitely above her. Is she the one who didn't like to be picked up with her feet dangling? Or was it Anna. If it was her, it might be long seated "Hey, you can't do that to me! I'll get back at you" now coming bubbling out until she works through her aggressive, retaliatory teen stage.
That was Tedi. I don’t know why but I discovered Tedi is usually fine with it if I cup her side/wing too while I hold her facing me. Maybe she feels a little more secure that way. So I do that with everyone now. Anna is the calmest, has always been, but also got a lot of handling when she was sick.

Today I picked up Diane-Ida from the side, leaning over her because I was sitting in a chair, and put her on my knees. She was a little nervous about getting lifted in that way, me over her, little boks, but not bad, then sort of acted like she might like to jump off, standing on my knee, while I gently scrunched and felt her crop. So then I slid my hand under her front and lifted her up and turned her to face me with my other hand against her side/wing. From the front facing me is how I held them a lot since they were chicks, when they fit in the palm of my hand. Now she was much more relaxed and just looked at me and around at the view. I didn’t hold her there long, just to see if she would let me and to keep up with handling training through this strange time.

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